Updated War Thunder forum

it is getting worse and worse

if it arent broken, dont fix it!

this werent broken



  • Negatives

    • Still no custom avatars.
    • Still no signatures.
    • Removed ability to edit.
    • Only positive reactions allowed.
    • After 2 years, the vast majority of 12 years of forum knowledge is going down the drain.
    • Though it personally doesn’t affect me as I used a dark theme earlier as well, just like how the light theme is not for everyone, the same can be said about the dark one. A switch would’ve been an elegant solution.
  • Positives

    • Markdown

Remind me again why and how is this an upgrade?


Whoa. I initially wrote a neutral-positive comment, but I tried to edit it, and I realised… you can’t edit posts here!

Not only that, but ALL of the topics made in the Forum’s history until today are deleted and gone.

I do not support this. I wouldn’t mind a design overhaul if it was deemed necessary, but first the removal of custom profile pictures, then removal of signatures, and now, removal of the entire Forum’s history and active posts and even ability to edit comments…?

This is a disaster.


what are these ?

I’ve created over 100 vehicle, and tree suggestions and now I have to recreate them from the old forum now??


Even all the administration / moderation and developers are sitting on the old forum, which is even ridiculous

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I have the impression to reply on the news of the WT site … no emotes, no reactions …


As I understand you, brah

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Form my standpoint, it is kind of clean now… But need possibilities to change the color of the UI etc.
Also, it would have been nice to inform everyone about this change before it happens…and maybe suggestions to the new UI.
Right now, it causes more confusion and maybe bad taste again… about “Not-Listening”-Part.

I would like to give my congratulations on the resounding success of this new forum and UI.
With this great achievement the unholy abomination of an eyesore and horribly layout should hopefully drive away most of the forum participants so that we can spend even less time actively ignoring them.
Science said it couldn’t be done.


@Smin1080p What about all of the people who created suggestions that are now stuck on the old Forum? How is that going to work? Some people like myself have submitted over 100’s of them. Are they going to be transferred over?


Sure, the navigation is easier but the rest is trash. No nation specific sub forums? You just have to read every post looking for something specific? How does that make any sense?

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Yes please


@Yontzee @SPANISH_AVENGER @Til_Dovre_Faller All old stuff is still accessible in read-only here: https://old-forum.warthunder.com/

Nothing is deleted. Everything is available here: https://old-forum.warthunder.com/
As we said, old forum will be read-only for next 2 years.


No I get that but are they going to add the vehicles already submitted from the old forum and link them with the new forum?

Then what happens after that, will the old forums be in writable-mode? Or are you just going to delete it.

This forum is created around tags.
National Sub-Section is here. Each “old” section is now represented by special national tag.

I am floored. Beyond floored, even. I have seen you guys make some massive errors in judgement but THIS? This has to be the single most boneheaded, out of touch, uninformed, and just plain stupid decision you have ever made. Whoever was behind this decision should be fired on the spot. 12 years of forum content is now gone. Bug reports, historical knowledge, and most importantly, SUGGESTIONS. There were hundreds, if not thousands, of suggestions on the old forum, and now they are all gone. I myself had 29 posted, all of which I now have to manually copy and paste over to this God-awful new site. I will have to reformat everything. All of my suggestions will have to start at zero votes again. I worked hard on my suggestions. I put hours of effort into each one of them. The same applies to each and every person who wrote a suggestion for the old forums. They were important, and they were fun, both to make and to read. You have made every single previous suggestion meaningless. Not only is this redesign ugly, lacking in features, and confusing, but you threw away more user-made data than most AAA games ever get. I have never been more disappointed in you, Gaijin. Please make things right.


You are asked: Will all topics made on the old forum be transferred to the new one? Yes, and in principle all the information. And not that we have access to the old forum for reading