Updated War Thunder forum


Topic’s didn’t carry over???

I don’t like the UI, and I need to start replying so it says I’m not a “new user” and can actually… you know… re-share my topics since they were not copied over.

They didn’t nuke anything. The forum is still there. Why must this community lie about everything?

That content will be removed in 2 years, as the OP says.

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Gaijin wth?!?! First the economic changes backlash and now this? Do you guys like to shoot on your own foot? Revert to the old forum layout pls this one is sooo confusing and messed up

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I 100% agree with this. Also, these new suggestion topics are quite disorganized compared to the old system. I mean what was wrong with having suggestions sorted by Nations?

this feels like they wanted out of a contract/whatever from the old forum cause its was hurting there revenue…

i like the live/zero need to refresh but everything else is literally horrible…

the pages made sense, but the ui/ux/user freedom is worse overall.

i cannot approve this at all… at this point i would rather use youtube comments for kids channels only (hint when its “made for kids” comments are turned off) than this, this hurts the “use the forum” when its a regression in 99% of the areas

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Two years. Two years is plenty of time for people to copy paste. Y’all act like it is the end of the world.

Oh and now forum badges are also broken… I can see only some of them while others are broken images :///

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Sure, the old forum is still in read only, but every suggestion, every discussion and so much knowledgeable is now “over there”.

Do you really think a new forum user will find the old forum, if he’s joyfully acclaimed with this reddit - styled software “in development”?

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It really isn’t it’s just, how to put it… Inconvenient especially considering how disorganized the forum is now

Yeah nah I’m not going to participate in these forums anymore everything about them is hot garbage.

That and I will not stand for what amounts to a social credit system instituted to punish those who do not continually participate, this is unacceptable.


Bro that’s not the main problem, the problem is that is awful to make new topics and suggestions on this forum cause you can’t even edit your posts

Yeah, that’s another problem, especially with suggestions. Like you find new info and can’t even add it to the original post

It literally isn’t disorganized you are bitching to for the sake of bitching.

If you want to pitch in and start reposting by all means. Idk about you, but a decade of posts might take the community longer than that to port, especially since, you know, people will have to volunteer for that work. It’s not going to be an automatic process, especially with the new trust levels.
There will be a massive loss of information regardless of what is done, archive websites don’t crawl the entire forum, doing it manually would be extremely time consuming, and of course they don’t save all information, only text and links to images, not usually attachments.
It’s not the “end of the world”, but you must see that the loss of such an archive would impact the community negatively.


Maybe have a highschool level of writing.

The problem is inconvenience. Just as an example a machinery of war thread on a certain vehicle or even a family of missiles. The post itself can be copied over fine but ALL the other replies under it that usually also consists of important sources/pics/documents that the original creator did not add to the OP is gone now. Unless you go and manually add all of those to the new post meaning going through countless numbers of pages just to move everything important and that is just for FOR ONE POST…


The old site is read-only, it is no longer a forum. the greedy schmucks at the top promised more transparency, then pulled an overnight switcharoo to this reddit/youtube comment AIDS baby of a site and are now not replying to anything we ask. Hell at least in the past they had an adjustment period of a few months to that awful bug report site. I dont get how anyone is defending this

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Nah man at this point i’m not even going to consider you since you’re straight up trolling