Updated War Thunder forum

so how do i adjust picture size? this is one of many problems.

at least i havent found out how to do it, neither on any guides. it works here, but not in other posts

I’ve been away for 2 years, this new forum should of been a beta before becoming a done deal why was this never taken up with the community first?


God I hate this new forum, I can’t get along with it. Please just go back to the old forum


I continue to loathe this new forum, and even more the decision to throw away the effort of a large community by destroying the old forum soon.

I am done putting any effort in this forum and will no longer put effort in making the game better or contributing much here. If the old forum and all that work is getting nuked, then there is no point in doing it again here, as it is disrespecting all the effort players have put in, because again it could get deleted.

Best regards,
---------------- Manual signature until those and profile pics are returned ----------------
Bring back forum profile pictures and signatures but most importantly the old forum!

My complete tech trees (incl. all special vehicles) spreadsheet is updated to match 2.23 (only accurate atm for list & status of vehicles): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13bjEgsDhTjJhXt9N4fzIzvWa7cvy-KSDQc1HNNOZuaI/edit Contains probably all vehicles WT has published.


There has never been “censorship” on the forums.
Follow the rules of the forums and your posts will stay.
And this forum is FAR easier to navigate than the old one.

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I disagree.


This forum is utter trash, as if killing it was the purpose of the update. By the looks, it worked


Vastly superior search system.
More robust attachments.
Easier to reply to multiple people.
More robust architecture.
Just buffs all around. Far easier to learn as well.

Not even a second away and the post gets flagged for no reason, did you do it? If so, no wonder you like this new forum.

About your point: People like the old internet forums and don’t want them changed. If you knew anything about forum culture you’d agree. And this flagging system is the worst trash ever, complimenting the rest of the new forum


Ah yes, insults isn’t a reason… totally. /s

I fully agree - imho gaijin should disable this function asap.

I mean in the old forum you had a report function with the same result, but now you have to edit your post to avoid an auto-deletion after 30 days. Countless of my posts were flagged, but i would say less than 5 were actually deleted by forum mods. In all other cases the flags were removed. It is obvious that some guys miss a “confused” or “sad” emote - so they use flagging in order to express their disagreement.

Censorship - yes and no. Basically the fine print of the community rules exclude any complaints about serious game flaws like bugs,3rd party software, etc. So you can from a holistic pov either praise gaijin or talk about the weather - and everything else can be deleted without reason or notice.

I appreciate some kind of “Glasnost” regarding the bot issue in the last days - some time ago everything was closed/locked or deleted. I hope they will continue this way of transparency in all other “controversial/difficult” areas…


At this point, after lots of reworks and polishing, I can say this Forum has become a far, far better site than it initially was.

In many ways, even an upgrade compared to the old Forum!

My only gripe is the lack of punishment for inappropiate flagging usage and abuse. Other than that, good job!


The flagging system is just overall broken.


I still hope that we will get our emotes back someday


Did you ever figure this out?
I have the same problem in Chrome. It won’t scroll.
It does work in Incognito, so I suspect it’s an extension causing a problem but I can’t imagine which one.

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Still happens to me, all i do now is Ctrl F5 to reload and it works.

Closing chrome and re opening works too.

Never bothered to look further as the 2 work arounds are simple enough.

@Stona_WT question, what will happen to all the suggestions people have been making ever since it was first set up? cause the old forums are an archive of so much. From historical images, no one has ever seen suggestions that are not available on the New Forums.

It seems very concerning if you’re implying that it will be taken down in 2025, unless vehicle suggestions, historical stuff of the sort, will be saved and possibly remain archived here. But the rest that was mostly discussions will not. Cause i hope a compromise can be found.

If Smin reads this, my apologies pinged the wrong person.

The switch was made exactly on the day my first and only vehicle suggestion was approved after weeks of fighting with the mods over it. They likely tried to stall until the new forum was ready.

So basically, yeah, they switched forums because of me.

Neato, they keep the ones that were passed however it doesn’t refer to those that were not. Or were you in mid-conversation? Aside from that, there would be a ton of archived images on the old forums that most probably cannot be found anymore. That was never passed but suggested. Or were simply shown off in a discussion. Cause at this point the old WT forums are a library and are heavily interconnected with the ongoing forums.

Cause if someone suggests something that was on the old forums, we can copy and paste the link to the old one, which would provide a lot more information about the vehicles, while the current forums add more to this.

This is what I’m more concerned about and was asking.