Updated List Of Tanks Around 7.7 BR That Need A Reload Buff To Become Competitive again

The t32 has a larger turret does it not

I believe the turret size is about the same but the gun is positioned differently so the crew has more space to operate.

Like with the IS-3 and IS-4M reload times it was done for balance. The IS-4M has much more room for the crew yet the IS-3M being one of the most cramped tanks ever made reloads faster.

Stock reloads:

M26E1: 14.4s
T26E1-1: 16.2s
T32/T32E1: 18.8s

The Conqueror should be ever faster, IRL the crews of that thing achieved 10 second reloads in training drills.

Good. Another reason to buff it and move it to 8.3.

Nah fuck off. The thing already struggles due to the Mantlet being a Lol pen zone by any APHE.

Move the T-10M to 7.7 then too it has a cupola weakspot and no gun depression.

Mantlet being a Lol pen zone by any APHE

Not true.

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in its current state i would even say the conq struggles at 7.7 (not saying it should be moved down). what it needs is the apds to be buffed substantially and for the hesh to be made usable, with those it could be 8.0. were not gonna be getting a 10 second reload for the conq any time soon so this would have to do as 8.3 would be too much for it.

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The problem is the Armor just doesn’t work, its missing a good 3-4 degree’s of gun depression, Its shells shatter on impact with ANY kind of armor that isn’t a flat plate, the reload is far too slow to make up for the bad shell performance, and its SUPER fragile to the now super common HE spammers in its BR range.

Pretty sure that the T32 is in general just an up-armored M26. The turret probably has the same internal volume.

There were 3 long 90mm guns.

The first was fitted to the “Super” Pershing, with super long 90mm rounds, practically unfit for a tank.
The T32 uses the same rounds but as two piece ammo, which didn’t help much because the cartridge is still super long.
The M26E1 then used the final iteration of the long 90mm gun that was considered as future firepower upgrade. The ammunition was changed to have the same lenght as the “short” 90mm ammo, but it was deemed unncecesary after WW2.

So the M26E1 is basically a M26 with the same firepower as a Tiger II, except in game the reload is nerfed to make it fit a specific BR.
Being a post-war vehicle it should have been 7.0-7.3 material.
Probably 7.0 together with the Panther II and T-44-100.



That shows the 90mm with two piece ammo. Looking at that, it probably required the Super Pershing to depress the gun to even be able to reload it.
The rounds had a lenght of 127cm compared to the short and final long 90mm with roughly 91cm.

Armor just doesn’t work

All of the tank except for the LFP is also immune to 99% of shells fired by the other 7.7s while having a full stab and enough pen to kill those said 7.7s

the reload is far too slow to make up for the bad shell performance

The other 7.7 are affected by this as well.

SUPER fragile to the now super common HE spammers in its BR range

What tank isn’t?

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Being a post-war vehicle it should have been 7.0-7.3 material.

This is insanity.

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My man, a Tiger 2 can pen its mantlet at 500m, a IS-2 can penetrate it and KILL it at the same range due to broken Overpressure mechanics.

The Cupola is a EASY kill shot, the Turret roof is only 20mm thick and a easy overmatch for MOST guns.

Stop complaining and learn to fight the tanks you are complaining about.

My man, a Tiger 2 can pen its mantlet at 500m, a IS-2 can penetrate it and KILL it at the same range due to broken Overpressure mechanics.

It’s a literal pixel weakspot while you can shoot anywhere.

The Cupola is a EASY kill shot, the Turret roof is only 20mm thick and a easy overmatch for MOST guns.

No it’s not an easy kill shot in a real match. Maybe it is in test drive.

Stop complaining and learn to fight the tanks you are complaining about.

Stop complaining about spall damage/shell shatter and learn to aim.

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my man, its NOT a Pixel weak spot, its a EASY shot. The Mantlet is 150mm Thick, ANY gun in the Br range of the Conqueror can penetrate and kill it through the mantlet.

Bro, I am a massive British main but even I agree with the other guy, the armour is one of its stone suits. Wiggling to turret does wonders with the add on armour. The only problem it has is with its cannon which is severely lacking in game. Apds rounds should have equivalent spall to its solid shot counter parts. So the conq should have similar spall to a 120mm solid shot round which it obviously doesn’t in game. Fox that and it would be fine. Fox hesh and it would be perfect.

I know it doesn’t work if the tank is driving desync will suck your round into the thickest part of the armor. Have you even done it in a match?

Fox that and it would be fine.

Ironically the Fox has better spall and ammo detonation chance than any high caliber APDS/APCR/HEAT.

Well considering any apds between 25mm and 90mm have the same spall characteristics it makes sense. It’s not just for the fox but every low calibre apds. But I get what you mean, 30mm apds acts like 30mm solid shot which is how it should behave.

BTW why is the M60A1 at 8.3? It has has even worse spalling, a bad HE, same acceleration, better forward but worse reverse speed, a long reload, armor that can be penned by autocannons, a massive chin and cupola weakspot for even 122mm or 128mm APHE to pass through, lower velocity gun, side armor is 36mm at the weakest point and a massive ammorack next to the driver also there’s less space inside the tank making it less survivable.

Don’t know tbh, that cupola is the quintessential cupola weak spot lol. One shot every time with anything above 30mm aphe.
