also the driver hatch area has high hardness armor plates
turret ring just happens to be 4 times thicker than on the nato equivalents 200mm vs 50mm
the Chinese tanks which are very similar to the Russian tanks also just get 40-100mm
or the lackluster performance of apds and hesh
but of-course russian bias dosent exist its all just illusion or coincidence
I think it’s funny how Razer tends to call others “fans of russian equipment” whilst going so hard out of his way to defend the bullshit that is going on, lmao.
Funny how you post disinformation about everyone that criticizes Russian equipment.
Back to your usual tactic, eh? First discredit the person you’re arguing with, if that doesn’t work, call them a Russian Fanboy, if that doesn’t work - don’t answer them.
@KnightoftheAbyss stated the ammunition not exploding is due to “wet racks”, take that up with him rather than saying “lol no” (trust me bro?).
This is much better. They didn’t bother to properly model the driver hatch on the BVM which has a tendency to eat up shots like a black hole. Its damage model is much smaller than it should be.
ohhh now i see its modeled has being below the main upper plate instead of above
but wouldn’t the correct modeling make breech shots even more difficult than they already are
that must come from either tass or the russian pravda (truth) because there is more than plenty of evidence even the latest Russian tanks explode because of the auto loader
It isn’t Russian bias obviously, Russian technology is best in za world nothing can compete!
Who remembers the IS-4M (if I recall) having a invisible armour plate in the turret, it wasn’t discovered until someone checked the actual model in the files. It was planted by a developer and was immediately fixed after the “exposing”.
Gaijin has done it before so I wouldn’t be surprised if they are artificially buffing the T-80BVM