this was especially funny when the waves werent rendering a while back
Great, now the ADATS is clearly the best 11.7 AA in the game and should remain at it’s BR.
It’s ironic that historically 85 mm ZiS-S-53 gun on Mk.85 turret has to be stabilized, but not stabilized in game since this update XD
Where’s fixing about HMS Rondey? There’s plenty to be fixed AFAIK
I could see it being reasonable for Arcade, but for every game mode? Not a fan.
Same for un-historical nerfs, such as 380+mm guns having comically bad accuracy with more dispersion than a funfair shotgun and shell rooms acting like nuclear bombs even when they acknowledged this should not be the case.
War thunder was suppossed to put realism and historical accuracy above all, and balance everything out via soft factors and Battle Ratings… now they are going around nerfing and buffing things like this left and right for “gameplay purposes” instead of balancing naturally with what they have.
A proper countdown is done with Mississippi’s . . . . ☻
my flagstaff is unnaffected by your puny waves muwhuhahaha XD
Yeah it’s very disapointing the way they follow…
ADATS buff (we are so back)
I just tested it- and it’s SO responsive now, much better!
Within 6km, that is, though. At longer ranges, the missile still becomes barelt able to turn xD.
But this is still a very welcome upgrade.
Wheres smokeless mortor for mim72e?
Story of most missiles.
Yeah, in that sense, I love HQ17; it’s very slow, yeah, but it turns pretty well at most practical ranges.
Any plans to fix the armor holes in a few vehicles that have been reported since last week? Some.of these vehicles are literally unplayable because Artillery just nukes the crew thanks to them being open top esq now
When will we have VOIP for sim? Communication in these gamemodes is crucial, being limited to text only hinders teamplay, I’m still excited for this change but a lot more needs to be done.
I don’t get why they don’t just reduce wave sizes on costal maps, those aren’t open ocean with open ocean waves.
Different wave sizes for different maps rather than giving things stabilizers.
They are removing the R2Y2 for exactly this reason. It’s terrible, we play war thunder for it’s realism, not because of the arcade mode.
Can we get traction back in tank battles pls, i hate sliding on everything