
ADATS buff (we are so back)

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I just tested it- and it’s SO responsive now, much better!

Within 6km, that is, though. At longer ranges, the missile still becomes barelt able to turn xD.

But this is still a very welcome upgrade.

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Wheres smokeless mortor for mim72e?


Story of most missiles.

Yeah, in that sense, I love HQ17; it’s very slow, yeah, but it turns pretty well at most practical ranges.

Any plans to fix the armor holes in a few vehicles that have been reported since last week? Some.of these vehicles are literally unplayable because Artillery just nukes the crew thanks to them being open top esq now

When will we have VOIP for sim? Communication in these gamemodes is crucial, being limited to text only hinders teamplay, I’m still excited for this change but a lot more needs to be done.

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I don’t get why they don’t just reduce wave sizes on costal maps, those aren’t open ocean with open ocean waves.
Different wave sizes for different maps rather than giving things stabilizers.


They are removing the R2Y2 for exactly this reason. It’s terrible, we play war thunder for it’s realism, not because of the arcade mode.

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Can we get traction back in tank battles pls, i hate sliding on everything


What?! Oh, Gaijin, no… please reconsider this. 🙏

This is much appreciated. Thank you! 🫡

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And we’re immediately into folk making racist comments (letter by letter) in Chat during the battle.

THIS is why we can’t have nice things


You can report them as the chat logs everything with language reports. They do work chap.


Yep. Done that. Just a shame it’s necessary.


Ever thought about that playing a PG 12 game has obvious downsides?

“Real” racists will not reveal their way of thinking in this way…

imagine if they did this for a tank

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So in case people needed to look up which coastals get a buff by this, it’s basically the Japanese low-tier struggle buses and the Russian tank-boats:

“Plamya” 30 mm automatic grenade launcher: (USSR) Pr.1204 late
57 mm Type 97 mod. 1937 gun: (JP) Ha-Go Mod. 1 and Soukou-Tei No. 4
75 mm anti-aircraft Type 88 gun: (JP) Type 5
76 mm/40 F-34 gun: (USSR) Pr.1124 early, Pr.1124 late, Pr.1124 MLRS, MBK-161 early, MBK-161 late
85 mm/54.6 ZIS-S-53 gun: (USSR) MBK pr.186, MBK pr.186 (MK 85), Pr.191, Pr.191M

I mean all these guns were basically unaimable at almost any sea state, people saying further reducing the waves (when so many games are already basically seas of glass now)… basically to make these usable otherwise you’d have had to go to totally calm seas for every game. Realism-wise, that would have been the worse outcome… if we’re playing for realism, if anything they should be higher.

(I mean, we’re talking a game where the most annoying Russian coastal weapon system, the RBU-1000/6000, basically ignores how, barring major alterations, the impact fuzes on those are only initiated upon hitting the water, so in real life they’re functionally useless against surface vessels, and don’t get me started on USS Douglas. Coastal is a mess for realism already, this doesn’t make it THAT much worse.)

However it is in the wrong direction of realism for naval in general.

I play naval both blue water and coastal, and improvements to further realism is exactly why I play this instead of the rubbish that is World of Warships. Their maps are unrealistically small and the speed of ships is grossly increased to make it easier for “playability” compared to destroyers.


What is this BS? The reason WT became great was that it was going for realistic recreation of the technical abilities of military vehicles! That’s what I and many people joined for.

Best regards,


Mississippi sounds so … Imperial Unit… :D

(Not that Hippopotamus really sounds metric, but it is less imperial than Mississippi…)

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