Oh, i’m sure it’s different teams, but those customization teams seems far more funded than bug report ones,…
We don’t see many bug reports being corrected in game, or at least not enough to matter.
Most of the bug reports are the one that are generalized, software/hardware adaptability → and it’s great.
Yet the Modelization part of weaponnary Flight models, or even Damage models seems always long to come.
Many bug reports today are made on such subjects.
And those subjects seems to be overlooked.
Reasons can/might be numerous.
Yet most of the active community feels like the amount of people effectively working out bugs are about 5 people or less, making them to be overloaded by work.
In the other hand, it seems that every other teams are currently working with much more amount of people to make everything ready when required by Gaijin’s head.
All the bugs are firstly checked by Benevolent people (Tech.Mods), which are doing a fine work, and all community thanks them.
So again, the problem seems to be on Gaijin employee side, and community doesn’t feel that Gaijin is making the right choice when that kind of update came up.
On this exemple:
The previous Statistic/Profile panel was good enough. (We have less information on that new panel than the previous one,…)
So my feedback is about making Gaijin to allocate more people onto what players want.
I hope i expressed my mind better now.