
  • Profile background customization has been added.
  • Profile icon frame customization has been added.
  • A bug that allowed the target markers to show outside of boundaries of the radar indicator when in TWS mode has been fixed.
  • ILS-31 — a bug that caused the target aspect arrow to show for multiple contacts at the same time when in TWS mode has been fixed. (Report).

Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.


Back to the old : “we’re giving customization because we don’t wanna work on the Bug-reports you’ve made guys”

Take it as a feedback: we need more bugs to be solved, and we don’t need more visual update of some menus,… menus are fine today.

I don’t know how many time you guys spent on those customization effects of menus people don’t go in often,… but please it’s lost time to Bug solving.

(EDIT: I don’t know who tries to hide a Post with 11 likes,… but i guess it’s one of my fellow admirers, also none of this is breaking the rules)


There are very likely two different teams working on those so, no, no it doesn’t.


Profiles beginning to look really good!


Just why?
Who the heck cares, we just want to see the stats.


It seems you’ve already given up on fixing the Eurofighter’s radar. I’m tired of asking for it to be repaired. =(


exactly this
we’re having countless bugs go unsolved for many updates and its so endearing to only receive unfinished premiums and copy pasted vehicles across multiple trees and to hear the awesome sentiment of “we’re making the game more like cod/moba”
the devs simply dont put their dev time where it matters (for us anyway)


i am not getting .37, my client does not seem to see this update

Peak icon frame ngl

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A small bar on 1/5 of the screen? 🫤


L feature

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Oh, i’m sure it’s different teams, but those customization teams seems far more funded than bug report ones,…

We don’t see many bug reports being corrected in game, or at least not enough to matter.

Most of the bug reports are the one that are generalized, software/hardware adaptability → and it’s great.

Yet the Modelization part of weaponnary Flight models, or even Damage models seems always long to come.

Many bug reports today are made on such subjects.

And those subjects seems to be overlooked.

Reasons can/might be numerous.
Yet most of the active community feels like the amount of people effectively working out bugs are about 5 people or less, making them to be overloaded by work.

In the other hand, it seems that every other teams are currently working with much more amount of people to make everything ready when required by Gaijin’s head.

All the bugs are firstly checked by Benevolent people (Tech.Mods), which are doing a fine work, and all community thanks them.

So again, the problem seems to be on Gaijin employee side, and community doesn’t feel that Gaijin is making the right choice when that kind of update came up.
On this exemple:
The previous Statistic/Profile panel was good enough. (We have less information on that new panel than the previous one,…)

So my feedback is about making Gaijin to allocate more people onto what players want.

I hope i expressed my mind better now.


not bad devs… not bad!

i can see the banners and frames being in events, which is cool!


Dear Gaijin, do you plan to fix Catcher M, I’m discouraged that Catcher M is still the same after so many updates

Coulda just reverted to the old stat cards and everyone would have been happier tbh


Would be realy cool if they were bigger and not just so tiny


Like if they woukd use the entire backround and not just the little top line

Or if we could select 3 Favorit vehicles which are getting displayed

Merry Christmas and happy new year to all!

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Still 2/3 are unused

And the 1/3 being used doesn’t show anything usefull
Maybe the next update will let us write some text showcasing our hobbies and interests. Or maybe show pictures of the kids.

Yay! Nice to see these here! :)