I’m not claiming the whole tree is unique but there is enough for a TT, and it’s arguably just as if not more unique than Israel atm, I agree with KF-5E, I was doing very surface research and kinda jumped to the conclusion of it being modernized with AMRAAM capability which after looking further is clearly wrong, NK is a bit hard for variants but I found some reference to those specific MiG-21s though I admit I have no idea what version of MiG-23 they used, and as for the F-86, while I don’t know that is the F-25:
This is clearly a ROKAF F-86 with 6 guns in the nose which would suggest 6 x 12.7mm M3s
That picture came with the Aero pylons, so make it with 2x AIM-9B,… → F-86F-40 is minimal at this point
Didn’t saw that picture before, and i’m not the best about Korean stuff within Korean war,…
so i can have missed some.
Also when it comes to the KF-5E it could be placed at 11.3 with the AIM-9P-4 or something similar, or just replace the F-5E with the KF-5E and then add the KF-16U to the top end of the tech tree
44 aircraft + 14 premium (some can be removed), if we were to include Rank I/II/III then 14 more vehicles would have been added (Rank III is very limited).
You don’t have to add (and therefore wait for) a new airframe to get an AESA radar. Both the F-15C MSIP and F-15E in game got one. Im fairly certain even the Block 50 F-16C got one too. Best solution is to just pick one, probably the F-15C MSIP and give it the newer radar. The F/A-18 is like three, probably four now, updates overdue at this point and unless it comes with some wild kit like 120Cs and early Block I 9xs, will pretty much be DoA.
In fact that F-86F-40 could come in Early and Late forms with and without sidewinders which would help fill in the TT a bit, as the F-86F was given to Korea June 1955 which is at least 2 years before AIM-9B production really began afaik
Some things have enough upgrades to justify a new jet, like the in-game F-15E vs peak F-15E that could come. For the C im fine with just upgrading to golden eagle standard.
Yes F-16C got AESA but also got a lot of other upgrades, I think it should be future end line for US F-16
I could very much see a Block I AIM-9X being released alongside the F/A-18 in the US tree, but they would have to fix the R-73 first as thrust vectoring missiles don’t really work great right now, but Block I was only 60g with lower levels of IRCCM than the Block II and later so it can’t be far off surely
Using the Wikipedia linked sources, i can definetly says that you’re right about 1955 F-86’s, but can’t tell more about the variants.
I can also say from those sources that F-86D are also a true reality for ROKAF (at least 60 aircraft in 1969)
From a “not a source” 85 of the F-86F were ancient USAAF F-86F of blocks -25 and -30, and numerous of those then got retrofitted to -40 standard to add AIM-9B loadout.
Sooo, the 3 F variants are possible and D variant aswell