United Korean Aviation Tech Tree

I am fully for the addition of Korean vehicles to the game, but I felt I had to say no to an independent tech tree. I never liked the fact Israel starts at rank IV, and I wouldn’t like to see more trees like it.
I still think Korea should be added to an existing tree, or another new combined tree. North Korea is an easy decision, add it to the Chinese tech tree.
South Korea is harder. As has been WELL covered, Japan is not an option. The tree that makes the most sense in terms of alliances is also the one that makes the least sense in terms of the game and “need” which is USA. So obviously that shouldn’t happen either.
This screenshot from Wikipedia indicates strength of forces aiding the South in the Korean War which could be a possible way (albeit a weak sauce one?) to choose an ally for a combined tech tree. I have already seen opposition to Canada being it, which are right there at no.4 on the list behind USA and England.
Australia’s ties with South Korea have been increasing in modern day, with both the AS21 Redback and AS9 Huntsman being sourced there (but built/modified in Australia). And any Australian addition would by default basically include New Zealand. The ANZACs though have quite a lot of ranks I-III content but arguably not enough to quite be the standalone nations at those tiers in ground.
It’s a tough question IMO of how/where to add South Korea, hopefully it gets figured out, but I hope it’s not a “starts at rank IV tree” answer.

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I try to express objectively: I do not agree that this Air Force technology tree should be called the KOREA technology tree (after all, it includes countries in the non-Koryo Peninsula), and I think the army technology tree is more characteristic than the Air Force technology tree: after all, South Korea has a lot of good army vehicles, at least in the absence of a lot of North Korean data. The Air Force is not even as “characteristic” as the Japanese technology tree (I mean the F-15 or other vehicles with a new engine,and call them ‘‘xxxJ’’), which is inevitably a bit far-fetched. It is a good thing to have more countries join the family of war thunder, but at least it should not be named after KOREA. It is suggested that the name should be Pan-Asian Science and Technology Tree.

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Just to add in here.

Here is a picture of 2 North Korean JDAMs/Glide bombs on display, the one on the right is likely the AGP-250 as mentioned before which are used on the MiG-21PFM, BiS and IL-28.
