

  • A bug that caused some air tutorial missions to be impossible to complete due to the lack of targets (balloons) has been fixed. (Report).
  • Jammed weapons now take damage on jamming and are shown as damaged in X-ray view.

Ground Vehicles

  • Pantsir-S1, Tor-M1, HQ17 — a bug where the camera offset from the target center was preserved when switching targets has been fixed. Now when switching targets the camera will be centered on the target.

Naval Vessels

  • A bug where being destroyed in a ship while dropping mines would cause the mines to be dropped the next time the player respawned in battle has been fixed. (Report).


  • A bug where MFD reflections in the cockpit glass did not match the current image on the MFD has been fixed.
  • A bug where water reflections could be distorted on water quality settings at “medium” and below has been fixed.
  • Seversk-13 (winter) — a bug where the ground textures could flicker has been fixed.
  • A bug where the HUD in the cockpit was too bright when night vision was turned on, making markings in the HUD difficult to read has been fixed.


  • A bug where the NVD enable key could be displayed in views where NVD activating was not available has been fixed.

Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.


Wher IRST fix


How about just getting rid of the awful cockpit reflections instead, especially when they are on spots where the reflection can’t realistically reach


when m44 driver view fix?

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The jammed weapon one is actually a really good fix!

  • Jammed weapons now take damage on jamming and are shown as damaged in X-ray view.
    -For SB and RB only right?
    This shouldn’t be for AB. AB needs to be mindless and fun, SB adn RB make sense with this.

When is AMD getting Ray Tracing?? It worked before you guys removed the option for us to use it. Or is it gonna be a Nvida only type thing???

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Just tested this in custom on Arcade difficulty: the gun takes damage but reverts to undamaged once it gets automatically unjammed. So basically no difference from before.

  • Jammed weapons now take damage on jamming and are shown as damaged in X-ray view.

So… we are going to get a fix for the crosshair bug that requires you to jam your weapon to get your crosshair back… right? RIGHT???

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When xm800t sound fix

Legend. Thank you.

What about MFD not showing the same as TGP view?!? That would be much more relevant…

And the physically impossible reflections in cockpit too…


We are working on it.
Fact, that you could switch on the option doesn’t mean it worked properly.

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Yes, that’s a major issue especially for Sim…









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Was there a change to the map rotation? i’m playing air ab … Usually in high tier lots of domination maps… the new ones with bases to bomb, airfield to cap and areal cap zone. 30 rounds: not a single one today after patch.
Wouldnt be surprised. Always got good amount of RP at these rounds… and we all know the grind has to get harder and harder. So Maps with good results arent welcome

Yo! Does this mean that they won’t have an epileptic attack every time a plane launches bombs/missiles/chaff? Or will they still constantly and automatically switching targets between things and having the missile go to Mars because that’s caused by something else?

EDIT: Nevermind, issue remains :(


Is the Fox-3s dissapearing / no RWR when missile launched bug fixed ? Im sure everyone is aware of it. Makes toptier air unplayable.

EDIT: Nevermind, not fixed :)


Seems like an alright update. Nice nice.

Any news on if any of the other cold war jets will be added? or decompression that basically every player has asked for at this point?


Still waiting on XM8/CCVL blowout panels

This one has been up 10 months, and it’s been 4 years since Spookston first reported the issue. Why is it taking so long? The report is well sourced, and there is no factual dispute that I know of.

These two lacking blow out panels is completely unhistorical and negatively effect their gameplay effectiveness in a BIG way. They are driving powder kegs in their current state, most of the frontal area is either crew or ammunition.

There’s also the recent addition of autoloader damage model, in effect a further nerf to survivability. Evidently time and resources was found for that addition.

@Stona_WT Any word if this fix can be included in upcoming major update?