Hella excited to see, all of this king game!
some cockpits were not fully built are you remember old OH58D cockpit ?
Depends on variant honestly
for blackhawk
Stona Replied in the update thread about AMD RT:
Not really. The only semi-competitive variants of the F/A-18s will be the C with the better engines, the E, and possibly the EA-18G. And those still aren’t on the level of the F-15 or Eurofighter yet.
Oh nice, the next ground event vehicle would be just like the Boxer 3105 MGS, mixture of two things that exists in-game instead of bringing something unique to the table. At least it could be something fun.
Why are they hyping the Hornet up so much lmao. If they implement it realistically it’ll be DOA.
I think they are hyping it up because a lot of people grew up with it and they love it.
They might give it something new as well.

Improved minimap buttons
Last year we added some buttons to the in-game map in the respawn screen, allowing you to move the map around and change the map type. While it worked to some extent, the buttons came off as a bit confusing. So we’ve looked to improve it by being clear on what button pressing does: on PC, left click is to ping attention, right click is to move the map around, and middle-mouse button marks or changes a point of interest. We’ve also ensured that this is easy to use on console controllers as well.
When this feature was first implemented it got me very excited and this is a great addition as well.
Can you add a reset button for the map movement as well? Currently when you move the map, it maintains the offset from the player until you center it on the player manually.
Either try making it reset itself when u zoom out completely, or add a reset button so it automatically centers on the player.
Also making the map not move when you manually move it would be very nice so you can zoom in and observe an area without it moving as the player moves around the map.
Massive +1
The F/A-18A would more than likely be 12.7 and would be really good vs other jets at that br. Depending on which version of the F/A-18C we get it could be between 13.3 and 14.0 and would again be good at its tier even if its not as good as the EF or Rafale. I would honestly put it higher than the F-15E because the thing is fat and turns like a bus compared to the EF and Rafale which is still important in both Air RB and SB.
Digital Combat Simulator?
no its war thunder
AH64D need some MFD rwr rework too
I would honestly put it higher than the F-15E
I’m really hoping you mean the EF/Rafale and not the F/A-18C. Because the C doesn’t stand a chance.
Unless the f18a has sparrows it wont see lower than 13.3.
Unless it gets Harms or Harpoons and the Sim maps are reworked then maybe it could be the Br as the F15e in sim but idk how they will put it in the current ARB meta

New shell stat cards design
Amongst the previous UI changes implemented last year, the developers have also been working on a new and improved version of stat card for shells. For this one, the aim was to display the most important aspects of a shell so that you can glance and read it quickly. The main parameters for shells are muzzle velocity, armor penetration at close-range and TNT equivalent.
Wouldn’t the upper block of values (caliber, projectile mass, etc.) not be better formatted as a table with definition first, value second? This currently looks like straight out of a word document listing. It’s formatting/position of text would/will vary by the values of the respective shell.