Update (Battle Ratings)

It really didn’t. And if it “had to go up” why not buff it to at least bring it to the 13.0 Standard?

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Yeah it’s absolutly Isnane. the MiG21 SMT was perfectly fine at 10.7. with 4 all aspect misisle, good FM, flares it has more than enough to carry…

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Oh, I wanted to add that this is the 13.0 standard:

Higher flare counts, All aspect PD radar, Modern ARH missiles, All aspect IRCCM missiles, Somewhat close to a 1:1 TWR, Digital RWR. (probably even more than that)

Explain how the F-14A IRIAF deserves 13.0 in good faith despite its lack of ALL of these core features.

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This is the same recycled issue that is prominent with the German F-4F KWS-LV Phantom as well.
The AIM-120s and AIM-9L/I missiles on an outdated jet platform non-worthy of 13.0 while every other 13.0+ aircraft can carry the same or equivalent missiles it can face in uptiers is quite ridiculous simply put.

If you genuinely think the Fakour was balanced at 12.7 fighting stuff like the mig 23 mld, mirage F1, F-4’s and JA37 you’re actually delusional.


Because they share the same air mode and one is a clear counter to the other?!?
Not to mention most fighters being multirole and therefore also c*cking the attackers for their work??

the real issue is that the br end at 14.0 and not 14.3 or 14.7, the Fakour90 is an absolute menace and imo not even comparable to a pheonix. The f14a IRIAF belongs a higher br then the F14a any day of the week


The jokes write themselves. Holy ignorance. The Fakour is not some wonder weapon.


You’re right but f14a shouldn’t be facing rafale c f15e or eurofighter, at the same time it shouldn’t be at the 11.7 lobby with only one that shoots arh missiles.

We all want decompression. The real issue is actually that they moved it up without any buffs to make it viable at 13.0.


I agree, but now the issue at hand is the BR stopping at14.0 and not going higher. with this br update they had the perfect opportunity to add at LEAST 14.3 but they didn’t sadly

I played the R2Y V1
At 8.0 they it is not a great vehicle
You have way better things at that br, such as the Sabre and Mig


will players be returned any currency/research that may have been used to get these modifications? (kinda like how aircraft that got custom load-outs had stuff given back to players when some mods just enabled a specific loadout to be used)

I think gaijin devs solely tries to sell more premiums and nothing else, just saw j35xs lowered to 10.3 proves this.

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The J-35XS needed to go down, the only thing it has going for it is that you’ve got 6 missiles, Rear Aspect only at a BR range where in an uptier of 0,7BR you already face planes with a ton of flares and all aspect missiles.

So this is a change I very much agree with.

it’s a joke, the mirage with its poor 2 magic 2 missiles (the only ones useful in view of the nerf of the 520 which are no longer useful as they have become so bad) goes 12.7 while the f16a and its 6 aim9l goes 12.3 … but continue! you are right, the mirage does not break its wings at 1500km/h like the rafale, it deserves one more nerf

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It could go down but if i were to play with f104a-c what can i do against it ? Can’t run away, can’t turn, f104 doesn’t even have flares, f104 is just an example but i think supersonics with flares(even with 12) and 2.5 mach missiles, doesn’t belong to 9.3 lobbys.

@Smin1080p_WT Are there any planned changes for the F-14 IRIAF (or the F-14/Phoenix as a whole) planned? I don’t mean to sound arrogant, but we’ve been asking for coming up to 3 years now.


The 10.3 Mig 21s ie SMT ect dont have AA missile, its r60s but yeah it was completly fine and even good at 10.7, no idea why it needed to come lower, same with the J7D, it was good at 11.0 but they put it at 10.7 to make money.

That’s… kinda the point. The Fakours are what makes it 13.0. You can’t exclude them from the conversation.