Update (Battle Ratings)

Haha, I wanted to try these flankers only because I researched only MiG-29SMT line (I really regret it) in Soviet TT, but it was before J-10 came out. And now this line have Mirage, which I definitely will try out too.

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Why even ask for feedback if 99.5% of it is just ignored, the same happend in October.

Im going to go change my steam review to a negtive from postive because the lack of effort and feedback on a major game issue such as BRs is just not good enough.

If you cant listen to your players at least listen to CC who have thousnads of hours in the game ie DEFYN for planes, to help with balancing BRs.


I agree, it’s just like this… Many players support proposals from others, but they don’t care.


Oh what a funny joke!
Ostwind’s BR with improved ground attack capability was lowered and R3 T20’s BR was also increased by +1.0 as its performance keeps dropping with each update!
Gaijin must have forgotten to equip R3 T20 with DM43 XD


Better than the British one in every way which was the same BR, so instead of compressing the British one down, they move the Swiss one up.

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But now they have compressed the whole BR range by bringing the Mig21 SMTs to 10.3, they were completly fine and even good at 10.7.

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Why move down the migs, and the XS but not the f5c

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@Smin1080p_WT the R2Y2 was one of the most suggested planes to get a BR adjustment. Was it even considered for a BR change or did yall flatout ignore it?


They need to move the meta around so people buy premiums for new nations.

This is just big fat “duck you” to players.
Why do you even ask anything from us, if you just outright ignore everything what we answer.
I saw hundreds well written comments under that first BR suggestion post and people clearly saw effort to put together well reasoned answers.
There where actual solutions to problems, in a golden platter, free to take and put to use.

You started last year so strong, it is truly sad to see how things have turned out, future looks pretty grim.

What a shame.


Well, I always think Gaijin should say why they adjust BR each time.
Just like the management of MMO games and such give a reason when they adjust the balance of a job.
And if that’s too strict, show me the dice with +/- 1.0 written on it that you use to determine BR.

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4 italian Spaa got moved up in br for no reason while the otomatic remain at his br

“We lissen to your feedback” and other jokes no One laught anymore.
And before someone Say “But we lissen”, actions speak louder than words


Where is BR extension fot all modes?
Do you really even see our comments?


Well since the IRIAF is now 13.0, could you finally give it R73’s what it is actually using , instead 9p’s…


Nice. The most liked air-related post on that entire thread was completely ignored, despite me giving a literal paragraph of things they could do. Why do we even do this?

The IRIAF is officially dead. There is zero reason to use it. Planes 1.3 BRs lower have better munitions than it. Fakours aren’t going to carry this plane Gaijin. How do you not understand this?

Besides the Fakours, I challenge anyone to find something on the F-14A IRIAF that outperforms the 13.0 standard.


Kugel moving down in Arcade but not even budging in Realistic is a joke. You butchered the vehicle, at least let it play with a line-up, it’s the only 7.0 for Germany and certainly not worth risking seeing 8.0 for.


MiG-21SMT at 10.3 while the Mirage IIIE is still at 10.7 lmao


F.58 10.0? Actually insane. The Brit one needs to be down anyway, and then this can stay at 9.7. Still not ACTUALLY needed changes. Entire Russian 10.3 line just left undertiered, Otomatic as people say, many other vehicles. But nope, pure player stat balancing over ACTUAL vehicle capability.


The Fakour-90 is completly broken against anything that doesn’t have fox 3. it had to move up. the current issue is just the BR stopping and 14.0 and not go higher. the F-14 IRIAF HAD to go up…


My god. Stop putting Migs21s lower in BR! Theyre jist seal clubbing at this point!!!