A-5C can’t go down because of the 2 Magic 1s, CMs. and decent FM. J-7D should be 11.0.
French mirages have 2 magic 1s on a better FM ??
They lack countermeasures
You can play around that with good positioning, besides DEFAs are far more rewarding than Type 23s so it’s also more effectice when it’s out of missiles
Exactly, on dedicated fighters with radar. I have no idea why A-5C is at its current BR. Not a single aspect of it warrants it, its inferior to all other aircraft in that BR…
Simply stating the double standards with gaijin’s BR modelling of strike aircraft
You mess up slightly and you eat a 9L, its annoying.
Well flaring a 9L with 18 flares also proves tough at times
Atleast you have the option
TLDR blame BR Compression, again…
Well, I see the A-7E is still going to be eating absolute sh%$.
Can y’all at least give it 9Ls and Maverick Fs?
(The 10.0-10.7 brackets are looking like absolute dog rn)
Imagine fighting against f5e as hunter f58, ive got no words for this changes.
Hunter F.58 won’t be very good anymore, it’ll just be ok.
Clearly the hunters are absolutely ruling their current br and not a mediocre jet with 2 IR missiles
Literally the only Hunter worth playing is in the GERMAN TREE. Classical Gaijin.
Enjoy never playing amazing vehicles for their BR.
It’s funny how people think that because something isn’t OP that it’s bad.
You know you wont even reach the base since your RWR not detect literally any threats on 11.3
‘Amazing for their BR’ is a bit of a stretch
Gaijin, why don’t you just release these Battle Rating changes without posting anything on the forum? I think it’s pretty clear to everyone that you don’t even read the thread or the community feedback.
There were no changes at all for the ground?
It’s quite strange…