Update Battle Ratings Implemented

the DM11 i know cause they wanted some form of timed charge for it. the 63 i could not find a rouce for the life of me.

heres what i run for fun with the US rn man. i am shockingly bad with the paten

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Could move the AIM to the British tree, plenty of us Australian’s who’d be happy to have all of our vehicles in one place. :P

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At least there it would fulfill a role by being the best tank in the British tech tree xD

Right now, it just feels pointless and redundant, as it’s handicapped to unhistorical KEW while every other Abrams on its BR range has M829A2 (historically accurate for Iraqi Freedom Abrams tanks, which is what I just learned they are modelled after and NOT Gulf War as I thought)…


So it doesnt use dm53 but 63 which isnt what we mentioned, plus has anyone made a report for it then?

My Australian friend agreed and after we got the canadian american ram, why not the Australian abrams

ABSOLUTELY AGREE. Rooikat 105 at 9.7 is a shame…there are no lights at 9.3. And in any case it is not so op, just a good tank.

what’s the aggressiveness for

edited, I’m not sure why but my game was still showing old values at the writing of this post

Just to clarify - Technically it’s 3 countries and a Province (or Statelet).

UK/British geography is a landmine of sub divisions.

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What was the point of some of these changes? Some of the vehicles no longer have an equal BR peer in their respective lineup. Take the CV 90105 in Arcade (I know, some are going to say don’t play arcade but being deaf gives me little option for success otherwise) as an example at 10.0. There is no Sweden tank at 10.0 and the CV 90105 is a premium. Players who own it will go out and play the single, die, and leave the match since they either need to take an uptier vehicle or a grossly undertiered tank. What was the point of placing a premium vehicle at a battle rating with no accompanying vehicles in the non-premium lineup? Do you want players with deafness trying to muddle through realistic ground? I know how important sound is to avoiding a massive loss of silver lions. Are you expecting us to buy an underperforming 9.7 premium to give two close enough tanks? Or do you want us to shelve the premium tank we purchased and pray to some higher power an equal BR tank shows up? The “official” reason doesn’t add up when looking at other vehicles I know overperform at their BR were left alone.

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That’s just the old 10.0 lineup, literally nothing has changed bar it can’t see 9.0 anymore.

I’m supportive of your points but this is quite literally the same lineup as available previously but kinder to lower tiers.


Again, the patch was a pure win for 9.3 as a whole. You can no longer see the old 10.3 tanks, your worst MM is now the old 10.0.


I play the MTTD and I almost NEVER get shot there. and I’ve survive a ton of shots in the MTTD that I wouldn’t have in the 105 because people were aiming as if I was a 105, now I will say I get breeched a lot in the MTTD, so there’s that. but I almost never die to a ammo explosion in the MTTD, actually…I’d say I mostly die to bombs and ATGMs lol

they didn’t have one before the patch either, they were 10.0 while the Leo2s were 10.3. now both went up one step. They’re perfectly fine in a lineup with the Leo2s though.

What do you mean they “forgot to move up” most russian tanks? Literally the entire premium 10.0 lineup went to 10.3. Everything from 10.0 upwards except the 2S25M, Strela, and Tunguska went up. And the Strela and Tungi didn’t go up bc every other nation’s SPAAs didn’t go up, either.

Ah yes…

All of my Leclercs with their “125mm resistant” UFP that fails to stop post-nerf M735 (lol) are now all 12.0…

Totally on par with the Leopard 2A7’s and Strv 122’s in terms of firepower, armor, and mobility…




they generally don’t “move” vehicles. at best they add them to a different tree and maybe remove them from sale for the previous tree, but everyone who has them keeps them at the nation they bought them for.

I highly doubt they’ll ever do that with a squadron vehicle though.

the same thing happened to most SPAA at 10.0-11.7, for example the Type 81 (C) can now be in the same lineup as the Type 90s again, or the new Antelope can go with the ZTZ96s now. it is not a “russian buff” but an SPAA buff. If anything, russia got the short end of the stick because the Pantsir and ItO are the only top tier SPAA to move up to 12.0.

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