
that would be way better, to be honest, getting your location exposed from the kill-cam is not fun, I get it. but at least its fair, cause you also can use it to your advantage when the time comes, IF gaijin removed it completely there will be no way / means to identify or suspect a cheater mid-game. which always leads to re-watching the server side for a manual report.
i feel like the kill-cam MUST stay at least until they find an alternative or even a solution to EAC

Anyone know how much chaff was added to the vehicles with BOZ? Just wanna see if they all got the same amount or different amounts.

They all carry 340 extra chaff per pod


Well, there are still 3 stages that are unchanged

Well yes, but the other users questions and your previous answers were probably misunderstood.
It read as you meaning that the specific graph is exactly visually the same for every metal.
As in; every metal follows that exact curve but at different values. Which they don’t.

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Do you not use the server replay? That is the only way to accurately tell of a cheater as well as report them.

do you not understand plain English? Server-Side replay is the only way to conclude and determine if the suspected player war cheating (its the 2nd step in the reporting process), identifying the cheaters only happens in the live game through the kill-cam, as you cannot suspect someone for cheating without any of the available kill-cam indicators. its simply impossible. YOU CAN CHECK IF SOMEONE IS CHEATING ON SERVER SIDE, BUT HOW DO YOU GET THAT SOMEONE IN THE FIRST PLACE. :P

ok, you guys reverted this fix for some time and then reimplemented it again as, the bad thing is “A bug that caused the camera in “Optical seeker view” to not be pointed towards an active target point in Simulator Battles has been fixed” is not there anymore! it is not in the updated changelog.

BVV_d said they reverted it because it lead to another bug related to HMD, which is understandable but extremely disappointing as well. I’ve been waiting for this fix literally for years.


By… considering the circumstances of where I was shot? You’re making it sound like the way to identify cheaters is harder.

This is patently false, since you can identify cheaters without use of killcam. If you were killed in a suspicious way, that will still warrant a quick check. If you are heavily relying on killcams to start your own investigations and reports, this is not a universal problem.

how would you be able to determine if the death was suspicious or not?

identifying cheaters through other means is also possible, but I wouldn’t say they are effective as they are time-consuming, Kill-cam was the only reasonable way to end up catching blatant cheaters. as players with cheats that are trying to hide it, usually don’t cause too much damage to the match, and rarely changes the outcome of a match, BUT blatant rage cheaters are very easy to pick up on kill cam, and always results in a manual report through server-side replay and followed by a ban. No one is going manually audit matches purely on speculation, with no indication, which will result in an overall lower amount of reports filed, which will benefit those rage cheating the most

It’s hard to find info on how iff works

But isn’t it supposed to work by getting a code from the search radar and send back a return code with a type of transponder in the same direction it came from?

Which would mean even Ukrainian and Russian planes should be able to see who is friend and who not? (if both use the same mig29 or su25)

Suspicious behavior with aiming, movement, or firing. Having an understanding with maps will help determine if where you were shot makes sense or not.

They are easy to catch outside killcam. I would know, since I have killcams disabled, just by using what I understand about the game and normal player behavior. If I don’t think my death was from fair gameplay, I investigate and send a report if I reasonably believe they were cheating. I’ll let Gaijin determine fault. If there’s reasonable doubt, I will not send one since I don’t want to clog their report system.

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This works by using a dedicated transponder that requires specific codes. Russian and Ukrainian aircraft should be able to identify friendlies, but RWR should not be able to filter it unless it is tied to an IFF transponder. It should still show radar types regardless.


I was playing Ground SB today, IFF RWR is great, the atmosphere is now more tactical, less chaotic and no headache due to pings spam previously.

You hop in a Harrier and see 1x S1, 2x MiG-29 and sometimes M28 or K52, that’s it! Not 2x F-16s + 2x Gripen + A64 + RLD + ADS + MiG-29 + S1 in the same time.

Also taking off is much less frustrating now, there is no full-auto ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping for the first 60 seconds in the battle, or the guys who leave their rangefinder radars ON like Kfir and Su-22 and drill my head with their lock warning haha, all that is gone, I was playing for two hours, I got teamkilled once, by an ADATS which doesn’t matter because previously I wouldn’t get a lock warning from ADATS as well. I didn’t get teamkilled by a friendly aircraft at all, so no need to over worry about this matter.

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I think though the first half of the first bullet point change is positive to be more realistic. The second half is a step backwards realism wise. Fatigue should be brought back to normal if it is Arcade. But Realistic and Simulator Air Battles should have fatigue that realistically increases at the maximum limitation load. This would further increase players having to think about aircraft positioning and not just throwing around an aircraft constantly at maximum load forces like ace combat with no consequences.

Just to specify most people play air realistic and simulator because of how realistic war thunder has currently made the game and strives to continue making it realistic. Whilst those just wanting an arcade/ace combat experience mainly play Arcade battles which is another alure of this combat simulator game.

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I think people play it because it’s generally easy to get into and has the biggest selection of aircraft to choose from.

I would want WT to be more realistic but I still don’t play other games which are far more realistic than WT.

I do not think that tue RWR changes in SIM makes any sense. It is a very important tool to know when anyone has their radar on, friendly or enemy. Is the ally flying past you locking someone behind you? Is the ally to your right beaming someone that you dont detect? Did they just launch? Did they launch on you? There is a vast amount of information you can infer from RWR from friendlies.

The number of times i have had friendlies show up on my RWR allowing me to ID them without needing to use my radar is far greater than the number of times i have mistaken a friendly for an enemy because of their radar use appearing on it.

Even if my 6 is a friendly if you have me locked up and are trying to shoot me down i want to know that.


You dont understand flames source. It is still identifying, classifying and displaying the friendly radar. The only difference is because the radar is expected to be on an allied force, the icon is displayed as a friendly.

This is completely seperate from an actual SA page, which requires datalink between aircraft to function and combines multiple sensors to display threats and allies.

Your scenario with a single opposing F-16 completely ruining SA is flawed because you use every sensor to build a picture, not just the RWR. The RWRs job is literally to display everything! A friendly that doesnt know you are one is just an enemy in blue! All that dropping them from the RWR does is mean you will have less capacity to keep track of them, full stop. Its a change that only benefits pea-brains that are afraid of every beep-boop in the cockpit.

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