
Amazing buff. SMB2 used to be more of a super mystake to fly than anything else. Now easily one of my favorites in the BR range!

from what i know the Swedish gripen never had AGM-65G in inventory and never operated with it
@Smin1080p also when is the mirage 2000 flare count going to be fixed the bot kept duplicating bug reports made for the mirage 2000 about the total amount of flare and chaff since it only has 112 flares and chaff when its supposed to have 112 chaffs and 94 flares which amounts to 206 countermeasures
the bug report has been acknowledged but not fixed and its been sitting there open for 8 months
Would be nice to get a feedback on that
here’s the bug report in question

There are MANY vehicles in game that have ordinance they never used IRL. its sometimes added for balance, this is one such occasion.

i totally understand that but the swedish gripen doesnt need really the AGM 65G since the RB 75T is essentially the same thing
they both have a saphe warhead and a TV seeker

no… no they don’t.
the AGM-65G has WAY better handling/steering/aim and is also IR-tracking and not TV guided.

my bad my mistake on that
but they still have a saphe warhead
but the AGM 65 G is heavier compared to the RB 75 T

I think there is a report on that, IIRC the RB75T shouldn’t be SAPHE but rather MP (multi purpose). its a Swedish modified AGM-65A/B with more explosives. But i’m a bit unsure as it was a while since i looked at it. (found the old report after looking for a bit)

Yes, it should be by about 10kg. if its different in game then its probably wrong.

Also since the RB75T is TV it only has a lock range of about 3km compared to the G which is IR and can be fired much firther away. Also the SAAF gripen has agm 65G’s despite not having them and it also has R darter despite only ever being able to fire the A darter.

Not sure.

It can be collapsed ONLY when you have targeting pod or night/thermal vision icon.

Yeah, it’s 10/10 design… I’m lucky the F-16 gets sight stabilization option, for some reason, so at least I can hide it in the plane I currently play.

Yes please gaijin

Even update after update, (jet) aircraft with the most kills is American. In the props tier 3 and 4 games American aircrafts are much harder to take down than other ones. Lots of Russian aircrafts in lower tiers, for example both I-185 don’t have stealth ammo at all. Some German aircrafts also. Useless new stuff in updates, and total mess in existing things that worked just fine.

Did the F15C Demonstration camo get changed on purpose or is this a bug? Before the conformal fuel tanks had the skin on it and the tail had more texts.

Is it me or is there a font change? My text looks weird.

It was fun to play this game as long as it was running smoothly. Guess it’s time to move on to something else.

I’ve been playing WT on Mac for 10 years every big update there should always be bugs that make it unplayable. I wonder if you don’t have developers on mac who have experience and know what to do when a problem arises? It’s been 2 weeks and the error persists, don’t you think at this point it should have been fixed? I have invested time, eagles, account and premium vehicles, which bothers me more than any developer or moderator of any response at least to users.

Thank you

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