
@Smin1080p Is there any reason why AGM-65G’s still hasnt been added to Swedish JAS39C?

I think bro really likes the 65G’s

Because current Mavericks on JAS39C are TV seekers and they have limited tracking range.

65G’s on the other hand does have IR seekers therefore they can track enemy units from much further.

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Can i copy this one and paste it in every Patch they drop?

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Cough cough… Warriors spall liners too… Cough cough rolands elevation cough… ;)

Hey. It’s planned for one of the upcoming updates. Today was quite a lot of planned fixes.



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Thanks for the explanation, was scared that it was forgotton.

Still nothing on the strv 103 gun depression fix thats veen here for almost 4 months or the insane wobble when hit by any HE shell, also no spall liners for the Desert warrior?

Inb4 they arent here until the Sep/oct update

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Dont think so.

ADATS buff?


Wasn’t it like this before, then smoke was added and now it’s back to being what it was?

If it were a radial menu I would maybe use it. But in its current form it’s literally useless

We will see a BR change soon? I remember you said there would be adjustments to vehicle BR after separating aircraft, ground forces, and naval forces.
Fix Leclerc please!


Fix the F16AM from Belgium tree. The radars appears twice when using maw system. Unplayable.

Why is this even enabled, unable to be hidden when there is nothing to select?


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Everyone like this comment, and then maybe they will listen. It been months and nothing has been done.


Nice to see that fixed, however, it appears that shrapnell close to the penetrated Armor still does not actually damage crew and modules,
example, the 7,5 cm Gr.38 Hl/c can shoot through the Drivers legs, kill the turret crew, but the driver itself remains unharmed.

I see the designation changed, however judging by the characteristics, the statcard still seems like it’s depicting a HEAT-type round. For one, the penetration is too high for a SAP-HE type shell. Furthermore it still has the many of the same placeholder stats as the M830A1.

Is anyone able to confirm if it works like SAP-HE in game?