
Not understanding why the M18s had to go up and face 7.0-7.7 tanks.

Thank you for continuing to ruin the Ground maps.


still no logical argument to why is type 81 getting a BR increase breaking the 11.0 lineup without feedback from the community

So let me tell you a joke, both Sweden and France use the Finnish ITO90M

France built and produced the system, while Finland produced the transport platform…

Hence why France has it as an end-line SPAA (it’s their SPAA system), while Sweden gets the Finnish ItO-90 (it’s their truck on the ItO-90)

What did Italy or Israel do?

The only Italian SPAA that match the range of something like an ItO-90 are purely fictitious, almost all on the Leclerc or Centauro chassis… They simply don’t exist.

What else do you want, the Spyder? That’s the most technologically advanced Israeli SPAA… It uses Pythons, it’s a glorified Type-81C

I wonder if Gaijin can officially disclose the win rate and kill status of various vehicles obtained in the server in real time, I don’t think this is a trade secret, and disclosing these things is more helpful for players to understand the rationality of the official adjustment

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The su-22 is the export model therefore it gets the MK

They’d have to do pure mixed match making like Arcade if they did that.
No more nation vs nation matches ever again.

Why would they need that?
the interesting statistic is how a vehicle does statistically in the current matchmaker, not a different one.
changing which types of vehicles is faced will also change the statistics and render the number gained useless.

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Cause with nation v nation hiding stats prevents players from gaming the system to get a 100% win rate.
If you have it open, you have to forced mixed so people will never choose a tech tree for its skilled players.

That makes no sense.how would knowing the stats of vehicles make players able to get 100% winrate?
High performing vehicles would then be moved up in BR untill they were no longer high performing.

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Win rates don’t determine BR placement as that’s primarily team skill.

I didn’t say they did. Read again.

I’m actually really amazed because I gave feedback not too long ago about how T-34s should go up a bit in BR at the lower ratings, and you guys chose to bump the 3.7s up to 4.0. I’ve already noticed a difference in my games without knowing about the change. I am pleased, but more importantly, I hope it works out well for the game and other players to enjoy. The first time I drove one, I just sat still in a spot, took many shots, did not move, and I got many kills on a narrow 1 objective map. It was hilarious. It wrecks the Sweden 3.7 BP task grind lineup a bit, but they have several other options. I’m nervous my feedback was listened to, but glad at the same time. I hope it helps!

the suggestion of disclosing the official win rate and kill stats of vehicles doesnt disclose nation versus nation aspects and the team/nation matchup isnt exactly always the same, since the big nations get mixed into the same teams since a while now.

and regarding your comment about “win rates don’t determine BR placement” is wrong, gaijin has said multiple times over the years that the win rates are also part of the statistics that are considered for BR placement, hence why the german M48 was at a lower BR then the US and chinese one for a long time and gaijin even suggested to put it lower.
their argument for that was win rates and team composition the tank faced.

-misremembered that part

“The suggestion of disclosing win rate stats of vehicles used by tech trees doesn’t disclose the win rates of those tech tree vehicles.”
Gaijin has never said win rates are a primary part of balance, never.
Cause win rate is 90%+ team skill and not vehicle.

The fact you claim the entire WT community is making things up against you is hilariously anti-player.

not what he said at all. read again.


Not really true, the sources i have seen say the opposite:


What i am personally really curious about is if vehicles are balanced on those factors alone or if they take into account the BR of the vehicle it shot/got killed by.
Because there are several BR lineups in i think all trees that don’t have full lineups and thus need to take a lower BR vehicle with them. That type of vehicle will then unproportionally face higher BR vehicles compared to one that is in the lineups BR and gets untired every now and then.

For example Sweden does not have a top BR light vehicle and so if players want to bring one in their 11.7 lineup they have either the CV90120 (which is probably less popular because then you might as well bring the strv122A instead) or one of the CV9040C/CV9040 BILL/lvkv9040C options. So those vehicles will (more likely than not) have a VERY skewed BR matchmaking statistic as they will face “up tiers” by player choice more than others might.

thats what you said, you said it isnt a factor at all, which is factually wrong.

[s]yeah i know they said that but as i said, there have been multiple examples where they actually used the nation lineup as argument for BR differences, the german M48 is just was sprang to my mind right away as it was so obviously wrong.

but yeah, its not a major factor, but its still a factor they do consider it seems.[/s]
-misremembered that

apart from that, i do think publicly available statistics for vehicles would be beneficiary for communication and transparency of BR changes.