
Yeah that’s all they care about. I hope whoever is making these map changes gets fired. I’m sick and tired of them ruining every good make position.

i like those removals, i hate it to get pinned down at a point just because 2 “good” players got themselfs in a position where i can not shoot at them without loosing protection from spawn, or just the angle, while they just have to wait, get your tactic from movement not from camping, where those “good” spots often caused the team to sit there loose the match only to have 3 kills more

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Cool, what you are telling me is you don’t like challenges. Better players should be published for doing what keeps their team winning.

How about we remove all obstacles, buildings, and trees. Make the game completely flat. Then everyone will be on completely equal footing.

Then y’all can have the participation trophy game you have been waiting for.

FFS this game is just getting more boring and stupid.

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well how about that at the most of theose positions one side had an easier acces, the most spots i have seen removed mostly opend for one side the opportunity to dominate 2/3 of the map leading to a higher win chance, no matter the skill of a player

Ever think that’s because of all the stupid other changes compounded?

Sanai used to have effective sniping positions for both sides and it actually was a fairly balanced map. Then they blocked off the whole upper area leading to only one side getting elevated positions. It’s stupid and brain dead.

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The if you do find info it’ll be a year or two before they add it back lets be real. Ill be shocked if it happened faster tho.

The German SU-22UM3K did get R-60MKs its research required and in the 3rd research level.


wait wtf, did they change it again after making this post?
They had SEVERAL changes that got canceled and marked red that are now no longer red in the document…

Sands of Sinai has more sniping today than ever in the past.
The changes extended engagement ranges, which is a positive change.

There is nothing “brain dead” about sniping.

how does taking away a sniping position at the far end of the map create more sniping and extend the ranges?
your statement doesn’t logically track.


maybe yes

Cause it opened the other 20+ sniping positions on the map for use.
Lost 1 sniping position for 20+ others.

The others weren’t blocked before?

They were blocked by the 1 sniping position due to it being OP.
So now you have scattered sniping positions equal rather than one being clearly better than the rest.

And blocking off the hill allows for more gameplay in the center of the map because you won’t be killed right away.

It’s a good change, but people only see that a sniping spot was removed, and not that more viable ones were created.

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even if that is true it doesn’t make your original statement correct.
changing from what positions the sniping is primarily done does not make it inherently increase in frequency.
and since it is by definition at the far end of the map taking it away will shorten the ranges by default, not extend them.
if people think this is good or bad doesn’t matter. i personally like the change.

Yeah, because it was literally just added xD

The way you worded it sounded like they werent added this update

It wasn’t added with this update, it was added literally a few hours ago.