
i have personally never seen them say something like that.
do you have a link or image to where it was said?

The only way public data can be allowed is if it’s purely mixed match making.
Arcade data could be released currently because of that.

i just scrolled through 15 pages of the discussion thread from the old forum regarding that specific “planned battle rating changes” post from january 2021 but the statement about that wasnt in there.

but i’m sure gaijin said something along that line back then, since it was a pretty big uproar in the community and they didnt go through with it after all, but i cant for the life of me find that official post on the forum right now.
so yeah, sorry, cant provide the source it seems, so grain of salt and all.

-misremembered that

searched through more, seems like i misremembered things, their specific wording was
"We do not solely rely on statistics and the developers are more than aware of the context and situations surrounding certain tanks. The purpose of the BR system is to be a dynamic balancing mechanic that can always be changed and adjusted. "

and that they take the opposition a vehicle faces into account:

War Thunder - Official Forum

Upcoming Battle Ratings changes

A few days ago, we posted the planned changes to the battle ratings. We have received a number of comments from you, and as always are grateful for your constructive feedback. After processing this information and further study of the statistics and…

so, apologies for insisting on a false memory.

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That doesn’t make sense, why would it need to be purely mixed?
isn’t BR placement made based of the stats the vehicle gets during the current matchmaking system?
So the released stats would then be directly applicable to that vehicles BR placement in NON-mixed match making.

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No problem! :)
this is why i usually just nicely ask for a source instead of like many others on the forum going “Nuh-uh! you’re a poopy head and wrong!” XD
it makes people actually check and sometimes even realize their mistake ^^
THX! ^^


i admit i am guilty of being one of the “nuh-uh!” people at times :>

Next time someone has a different idea or thought that I don’t like I’m going to called them a fart brain

Please open before commenting

This was a joke, I promise XD

I’ve seen some brilliant insults over the years.
my favorites:
“You look like someone who has a dirty microwave”
“You’re the literal personification of a headache”
“God made you for the sole purpose of emptying out the spare parts bin”
“If you used your brain even half as much as your mouth we might have been able to get somewhere”


LMFAO!!! That first one is absolutely AMAZINGING!
My personal favorite I’ve ever heard, either on hear or IRL, was “You’re a stale ham and cheese sandwich” and the person saying it gave my friend the dirtiest look ever XD
I still die thinking about it


To prevent people from using the stats to determine what they’ll play.
Your later question is irrelevant.
You either keep them secret or you remove nation v nation matchmaking.

you have yet to explain how that would be the result.
it’s not like one nation has better stats in their vehicles than others, and if they do then the BR of those vehicles would be in need of correction either way. So either there is no issue or there is one and it gets solved resulting in no issue.

i really don’t see your logic here at all. are you perhaps thinking several steps ahead and not writing them out assuming others think exactly like you and know how you got to that conclusion?

it isn’t, if the current BR is based on current matchmaking then the stats for current matchmaking is what is relevant for the current BR.
changing matchmaking would change the statistics and make the new stats relevant for the new matchmaking.
the need for that change still lacks explained reason from you.

this jump is what i’m talking about at the start here, there is no logical step here. you have med several steps in between those thought without explaining them.

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A squadron looks at the stats, then plays the tech tree with the highest win rate.
It’s that simple.
So yeah, it should stay secret as long as nation v nation is matchmaking.
This has occurred in countless games before War Thunder.

but people that try to min-max their game already do that with determing which vehicle performs superior at which BR and there pretty much always some more or less consensus about this for all BR ranges and vehicle classes.
it just takes those people a little bit of time to nail it down better.

with the statistics being open to the community, we as community could not only understand proposed BR changes better, leading to better transparency between gaijin and the community, but we could also interact and suggest proposed BR changes, new vehicles and/or adjustments much better.

overall that would lead to less frustration on the side of the community and to a better and easier workflow for the devs in my opinion.
and there are plenty of people on the forum that have done extensive research for proposals, changes, new vehicles and other forms of participation in the developement and evolution of this game.

this isnt counter strike or a moba, where there is one perfect gear-set to dominate every match, since there is way too many variables for that in this game.

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That doesn’t give you wins, that only gives you personal performance.
See: Chinese aircraft. High personal performance, 30% win rates.

Britian 8.0-9.0 says hello, aint no way a MiG-15bis is as good as a Javelin

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Yeah, Javelin just get destroyed at the moment

Im lucky i already spaded it, infact just got the IS to go till ive spaded every british air vehicle, is a shame i spaded the javalin THE DAY before the elevator change

Thankfully its still fairly good in SB, half decent radar, but in RB. Nothing in or around that BR is fun for Britain.

i mean the swifts and the Venom were suprisily fun for me when i was spadng them a month or two back,

Wouldn’t they already be able to do that? Thunderskill shows winrates well enough to make a conclusion based on TS stats and your own experiences.

I don’t care if the winrates are released, I want Gaijin to release data they are for BR changes because it allows the community to have more insight into why the changes were made. It also allows for more communication which is great, because sometimes the “why” behind what is done isn’t said.

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