Update (Xbox

Give it the Heat /C as well, cince the Ausf. C was even still used in 1944 (Source Bundesarchiv)

Jokes aside, you seem salty, but you gotta keep in mind that ammo loadouts are part of ballancing and IRL the C was used with the Heat shells, they were still used till late war.


When are you going to fix the bug in it’s BR?

I would love to see your mathematical derivation of how the Gripen flight model is impossible.
Besides, we have soviet tech doing impossible things in every BR, but I guess it’s only a problem when a non-Russian nation gets OP things.



Finally they fixed the J-79-MTU-J1Ks thrust

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no more stealth attacks :(


Very upsetting, only fun 10.0 US vehicle ruined once more.

Not a single US Rotary Cannon retains any damage or pen now.


if you’re genuinely interested i have a few posts:

it is (/was, i have not seen or done tests since changes) loosing speed when turning at a way to slow rate. (i.e it experiences way to little drag). most people argue it should be close to M2K or F-16 which i personally think is to far. at the time of those posts it was loosing speed in turns at about half the rate of those two other jets. i personally think it should be somewhere around perhaps 80-85% instead of 50%. its definitively lighter and more maneuverable as well as the canards allowing for lower AoA for the lift needed to turn. the number it is/was at was off, but probably not as off as many seem to believe.

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Last time the devs tried doing the math on unclassified docs (Igla vs Stinger) they got way different values so I wouldnt trust gaijin more than military documents

It is always good to see two bug fixed, but i think more attention should be put in on some changes

There is a bug report open about it, where the figure of 260@3000 have been gotten? Could it be possible to see the source? AMX 10RC Wrong Engine // Gaijin.net // Issues

Always good to see some fixes, would be cool if the correct top speed is implemented as well, thanks!
SK-105A2 incorrect max speed // Gaijin.net // Issues


I’m curious as to why the buff for Abrams ERA didn’t push through?

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It will affect too many opponents k/d ratio I suspect.

Ingame it shows 42km/h in start card, unlike 43 for other Pz4 variants.

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Still waiting on the LITENING II bug fix for the F-16C, Barak II, and AV-8B+. Theyre all stuck at Gen 1 thermals while the rest of the LITENING II users have Gen 2 thermals.


In vr in sim air battles i dont see missiles when fire them nor i cant hear the sound. Anyway missiles works give kills but cant be seen. Few days ago this bug was present but after update it was fixed. Today it reapeared unforrunatly…

i dunno why they wont allow people to choose like in air

what does this change? More so i don’t understand what the 8_2 and 8_2_2 mean exactly.

It is like that already. Gaijin just makes it so you do not get to choose a non-tracer belt.

Air has the option of stealth belts

And this would just be them adding a tracer to your stealth belt.

Ok… Great talk

they removed the br412d of the is-2 because it was a post war shell. The C used heat, true, but not before 1941. In WT, as a balance purpose, it shouldn’t have it, it’s just too op, 3.5sec reload lobbing heat isn’t balanced. They should remove the heat as both a historical measure (tier I is mostly 1940 and before) and as a balancing measure. Panzers having (and being the only one to have) that potent of a round at so low br is jut bias.