
Damn, from this update on the Stuart 1 is a 2.0 tank. It started as 1.3. Why this big change?
The Stuart 1 versus something like Sd. Kfz. 6/2 is comparable I suppose…

vickers and chieftain share the same engine but they just changed chieftain and it doesnt make any sense they changed chieftain engine with old challenger sound which doesnt make sense

This modification is really terrible. Now, as long as the target distance exceeds 200 meters, it is difficult to hear its engine sound. I feel like I have become deaf mute, only the sound of explosions can be heard. I hope to fix this issue


Thats the whole point, Abrams IRL are extremely quiet all things considered. And besides I play without wearing my headset fairly regularly and I do just fine

You didn’t made abrams “less distinctive”, is completely impossible to hear them now unless they are 5 meters away, I mean, they were too noisy before, but now they dont even sound, I don’t know why they can’t fix the bugs somewhere in the middle

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Vickers Mk 1 and 3 have the Chieftain engine sound now too.

The old Challenger 2 sound was incorrect to the Challenger 2 — but was correct to the Chieftain sound. As you can hear in the videos linked in this thread, the Chieftain in-game now sounds far more like the Chieftain in real life.


Same goes for every tank thats the problem. Directional audio has been literarly disabled under the guise of “”““ReAlIsM””"

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Arietes are somehow incredibly hard to 1 shot kill despite how weak its armor is. I often take a shot to the turret and it only killed one crew or damaged the breech - and then their T90M gets a trip back to the hanger screen.
Leclercs and ZTZ99/99A are another topic however, explosive fueltanks and for the latter a carousel loader made any well aimed round leathal.

well it can get penned from any where

Yes, it does have zero armor in all perspectives. However, its surviability is relatively decent due to large empty spaces and a hidden blowout rack, at least better than the leclercs and ZTZ99/99As.
Sometimes shot coming to it also gets gaijined like this vid(bilibili):



I stopped using forum since we are on this “new” horrible one but I just had to after this even worse sound update.

Just roll back all the sound updates since 2018 and bring back pre 1.73 sounds already. It just does not work, the sounds are worse every update. There is no more unique sounds anymore. I can not hear any enemy engines, gun firing sounds are all terrible. Plane engines overwrite other sounds all the time even when they are 3kms out. When in city there is no point in listening to engines at all because you can not hear them. It is just a huge ball of random muffled sounds with random volumes which give you no clue of enemy location at all. Few updates back I could at least play the game for longer than 3 matches before my head started aching. Nowadays I can play max. 2 battles before taking a break for the whole day because my ears start ringing and I become dizzy from all the horrible muffled random sounds you play during a battle. It is unbearable and unplayable because the ingame sounds are hurting me physically. Even though my volume is at the lowest for my engine and highest for other engines all I can hear is my deafening engine with some random shooting sounds from a random location without any clue of who the shooter is, which direction the shot came from and what is the distance approximately.

This is the only game that does this to me, I can easily spend hours playing other games with no trouble, but WT has become one of the worst and most buggy mess of a game I ever played… I have played since 2013 and achieved more than 20K battles till 2018… since 2018 and all the horrible changes I can not play anymore as much even if I wanted to, I can bare 2 battles max a session before feeling sick. After taking off my headphones after WT I feel like becoming deaf… Just horrible like many other changes (shrinking maps, buggy rendering and so more).


Engine sound is cut off after 80 meters !

Spawned in and i had a maus in front of me. Decided to stop and keep an eye on how far he is from me and when his engine sound gets cut off. It was 80 meters on a straight flippin road(cant curse cause safe space) away when he went completely silent. The whole horde of friendly team that spawned together with me, consisting of about 5-6 tanks was dead silent 100 ish meters in front of me.
You broke the audio! Roll it back as soon as possible please, the game is unplayable !


I don’t think the changes should be reverted, the changes to the sounds are ok, previously they was too obvious, i do think tho they should increase then a tiny bit more than how they are right now.


bro there is no directional audio…wtf is fine about that? 80 meters for a maus ??? u serious?
tank engine sounds should be prioritized on the ground and the radius should be 5-600 meters, not 80.
And if anyone wants to bring up realism, tank engine sounds are very loud…its not a ***tesla


Ariete, Leclerc, Challenger 2…

For years the game is having issues with no tanks running around with the best mufflers money can buy. It is especially bad with premium tanks. You can be sitting perfectly still with no, I repeat NO, other tanks around and all of a sudden you are killed by a tank sitting right next to you.

Please forget about adding “correct” sounds, just fix the bloody ninja tanks. No use in “improved” sounds when you can’t hear them.

Maybe buy your sound designer some nice surround sound headsets instead of the my little pony ear muffs he has now.

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I mean… saying that Abrams is better than Ariete isn’t saying much lol

Challenger at least has proper hull armor and Leclerc, well… its main survivability issue is the nuclear fuel tanks, but, otherwise, it is actually harder to kill the crew than an Abrams.

Yeah he’s totally off base on that statement.

I frontally OHK an Abrams maybe 25% of the time. T80s are easier to OHK, same with the TKX/Type 10, even the China tanks are all far easier to OHK.

I don’t get the cope around the Abrams.

With my experience from playing M1, and now with playing against it it’s easiest to kill, on the same lvl as Challenger 2. Lecrerc often eats my shots and didn’t see Ariete in like a month in a match so I can’t tell. You guys are off with your reading. I said about MY experience.

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Same in my experience, as an 8 nation player.

Abrams’ survivability is the most underwhelming.

Among the Rank VIII tanks I have (every single one except Italy and China), they are definitely the easiest to one-hit kill via crew anohilation.

I draw those conclusions after thousands of matches across Rank VIII over these nations, which means, not only by playing Abrams, but also by playing against it.

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