
Why Gaijin hate Grippy so much?

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F111 became unusable with maximum payload… :(

An American patriot playing for 12 years huh? The only place where the closed beta was available in 2012 was the Russian Federation.
Global closed Beta launched in 2013.

It’s coming up on 12 years in May, closed beta wasn’t solely for the Russian Federation afaik.

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Ah my mistake then. o7

I’ve watched 4 different YouTubers dogfight all top-tier jets on release day and the Gripen and SU-27 were fairly balanced on day one if you account for the R-73, they then almost halved the maximum G-load and reduced the AoA so the SU-27 and F-16A are way ahead having both better turn rates, better radar missiles and better IR missiles for the SU-27. The entire selling point of the Gripen to begin with was “It’s the best one-circle and two-circle dogfighter but has terrible BVR capabilities even compared to rank 7 jets”. Now that it isn’t even clearly the best dogfighter at close range an SU-27 or F-15 is clearly just so much better, being good at everything (although the SU-27 is obviously way ahead of the F-15 in close-range combat.

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You are just flat wrong.

This is a rate fight with Gripen vs F-16A with the patch day flight model. It wasn’t even close; Gripen retained more energy and that translated into much higher sustained turn rate.

Not hatism,… but realism fix ^^"

Ill be honest i was 1v1’ing a friend in sim earlier today and i went something like 28:6 in my JAS-39C versus F16A and C

its still the king of dogfights.

Yes the performance at speeds above 700-900 KMH is notably worse.
No it does not make the plane terrible, hell i still think MIG_23M’s report was unfair as it used data on different engines but the effect the report has had has not crippled the plane. its improved it in the ranges of 300-800kmh (aka dogfight speeds) and made it worse at 800-1200kmh

So victims now have chance to escape.

hey man. Can you calm down a bit. I read the post MIG_23M made about the gripen. And gajijn didnt just take his word or something. They even denied or question the sources he provided. And this ‘‘nerf’’ made the gripen even better at its intended role.
Im a swedish main (and scandinavian IRL :D)and I love the gripen just like you, but i dont want it to be broken OP(what it defenetly was on the dev server.) trust me i had 2 days of testing with a group of players all 1v1ing the gripen with different planes and the gripen almost always won.

Im a very good player and have been around since 2013 when i bought my first laptop(cringe i know but you can check my stats . my KD is almost 5 and was 9 in sim) and in my Opinion the gripen is now the most balanced it ever was. I dont want to stomp the enemy just because im in a gripen. thats unfair and very boring. And i dont care how accurate sources are because this game is fake and the physics are fake and the gamemodes are very unrealistic. So it doesnt matter because gajijn makes stuff up half the time to balance the game.

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depends on the aircraft, if its a F16 it basically just means they have a chance to reset the fight
Atleast in guns only that is
with missiles its entirely different and it basically means if you get dragged into a DF with the gripen you either win or die

If you go in a dog fight in RB in top tier something went wrong.
I only dogfight when im in sim or when there is none around (what almost never happends)
and even then i rather just shoot my 9m’s

MIG-23 made the post regarding sustained turn rate, Gaijin took it upon themselves to completely obliterate with a hammer. I don’t think this was MIG’s intention, but the results are what they are.


Same crap as before,the hill from A is domination the Map only that the spaw campers can choose 2 destinations.
BUT . . the eastside route from lower spawn to north are now closed,another crap restriction from Gaijin for gamers who use their brain and dont push W and drive with horidoooo in his dead :-((

It is definitely not “the king”, it is really good but the SU-27 is equal if not better, in addition to having the best BVR missiles in the game which makes it an easy pick for the best top-tier jet if you don’t care about anything except performance.

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Yeah obviously it shouldn’t be able to pull 21 G’s like it did in the dev server but it is ignorant to only look at 1v1 dogfights and conclude if a jet is balanced or not. The SU-27 and JAS 39 are now equal (I’d say the SU-27 is better thanks to having a stupid amount of R-73’s but whatever) in terms of close-range dogfights, but then you need to factor in that the Gripen doesn’t have any usable BVR missiles and the SU-27 has 6 (?) of the best BVR missiles in the game.

PS: The Gripen should be able to pull 18 G’s in War Thunder, currently pulls 12. It is not specifically about this report, it is about Gaijin so blatantly nitpicking sources to work in the Russian’s best interest.

Then prove it


Note that three of the same bug reports were dismissed because “The plane can’t structurally survive pulling 12 G’s, but the pilot is allowed to do so” (?) despite one of the sources stating the obvious; ofcourse the jet can survive 12 G’s if the pilot is allowed to pull the stick to 12 G’s.
Skärmbild 2023-12-29 172310
“Both the F-35 and the Gripen manage forces up to 12 G before it receives structural issues”

Not a bug classic