
I said I’m against these two map changes, but sure. I’m justifying them. Lmao.

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The problem is that their goal with these changes is not to prevent spawn camping, Gaijin doesn’t care about spawn camping, they even tell everyone here on this forum that it is allowed. What they are doing is to remove all the “good” spots in every map and prevent players to use the maps in their favour. I could bet they make heat maps to know where most players get their kills and simply remove those spots, judging by most changes I’ve seen through the years, a couple of rocks here, an increased slope there, restrict that other zone, etc…
If you want to fix long range spawn camping just protect the spawn with a hill, some rocks, some buildings, etc… it’s not like there aren’t other maps where the problem simply doesn’t exist.

Me and you are going to fundamentally disagree here. You being able to shoot into my spawn from across the map with cover or any means to hide after shooting is almost definitely not the “skill issue” you are trying to imply here. And clearly either Gaijin agrees or enough players have left enough feedback across whatever channels they could for Gaijin to do something about it.

But we can easily just apply your logic back at you. You don’t know how to deal with, counter, or play like a brawler? That’s your issue then, my friend. Learn tank differences and how to play CQB since people believe Gaijin is watering down maps to nothing but that anyways. See how that works?

I’m all for keeping maps unique and preventing maps from becoming COD-style. And if Gaijin can address these issues and keep the map open or more unique, then I’m all for it. But the shifting the fault of an unfair, unbalanced, and/or exploitative feature on a map that allows you to cripple or flat out prevent players from leaving spawn onto said players instead of Gaijin for allowing it in the first place, yeah not buying it.

If everyone was in jeeps with MGs, that actually would make quite a fun event

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Just played the map.
Map has now been banned, this change has made the map absolutely worthless and unenjoyable.

Please help vote this to bring back Sand of Sinai and other map to the original self
@Stona_WT you should watch this you need to know what people really think of this change
[POLL] Revert back the maps change to original - Game Discussion / General Discussion - War Thunder — official forum

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It is straight up too pretty to remove. It is a very scenic map and tbh the hills and very uneven terrain add a welcome level of depth compared to many other maps, especially after these changes.

Wonderful. Now it’s yet another boring open map with clearly defined lanes. At least the hills had some options for interesting gameplay but I guess we can’t have none of that…


You really don’t understand anything.
The fact that the opponent is already on your spawn point is not the fault of the maps, it is the fault of the fact that your team probably left after the first death, does not know how to play or allowed a flank that directly targets your spawn. Many maps have been reworked where even campaigns on your spawn point were pointless because you always have two, each map had its more or less important points that had to be captured to gain an advantage over the opponent, this is not a sandbox game.

The sooner you understand that these changes are not intended to make the game easier for you, but to reduce your effectiveness, limit your ability to “do something in the match”, i.e., MAKE A RESULT for which each of us is rewarded in the form of Lions and Exp.

Gaijin has always wanted the progression in the game to be as long and as difficult as possible, so that we, potential players, will buy more premium accounts.

Sands of Sinai was a great map. It didn’t need a change.


All my favorite maps are getting dumbed down by blocking off strategic areas and forcing all players/vehicle types into brawling out in the open. The best sniping spots and any elements which add character or require skill are being eliminated. This makes playing slow/unarmored vehicles pointless. Please revert these changes especially on the rocks and cliffs of desert maps.

The bigger maps are, the worse. All good maps are small maps.

The worst map in-game is Ardennes specially winter variant

This is a matter of preference.
Yes, those who like to play CoD Tanks prefer small maps, those who like to play a tank game that is as realistic as possible prefer large maps.
All these changes only serve to make players have to use their heads less each time they play and only move forward, destroying everything that the game was in the beginning, it is curious that a game was better in its first years than later 11 years old, it is seen that the game has reached its decline, or the developers have brought it to it.

Why do you keep butchering the JAS39? It’s performing better than other nations because Swedish and British pilots are better than average.


mate, there is a one main problem with big maps mady by Gaijin creators, they are big and empty or on 80% on the open spacer with no cover, spawn to spawn shoot mode, i like small map and the big ones but i hate when i see how lazy changes are made on them, all maps in this game are getting destory.

The issue is that, creating larger maps, with hills on certain sides and areas to be able to advance with relative safety to other points on the map, what happens is that gaijin does not know how to make maps.
Large maps relatively without coverage can be made for up to Br 6.7 or 7.0, from then on the maps would have to be somewhat larger and have more uneven terrain, since with a laser rangefinder you can shoot at extreme distances, but what has been said Gaijin needs to learn how to make properly balanced maps, which it seems they don’t know how to do.

No that’s not bad. The worst by far is red sands.

All what they need is here in the community, they never ask us for opinion, they know better on what kind of map we want to Play.

Where is the fix for AHEAD ammo?

Or the fix for the 2A7 that uses 40years old armor in this game for no reason other than propaganda?

Or the fix for abrams that only get heavier but no armor increase?