
It was one of the main complaints during the review bombing episode. You can also see it with your own eyes in game, on the forums, and on reddit, where the more frequently expressed opinion is that, basically, it’s unfair to be killed by something you don’t see. And finally, the map filter gives Gaijin lots of info about which maps players ban, which they favour, which they leave early, where the heat maps are…

Mozdok was one of the most criticsed maps for so long. In part for legitimate reasons (it had spawn camping issues) and in part for pure personal preference (it’s a map where gun depression and tank destroyers could do well). So it’s not surprising to see it hit with the COD hammer.

What the hell are these map changes? Sands of Sinai was one of my favourite maps and now you’re ruining it by removing a whole side because, what a few people couldn’t deal with flanking and sniping?

These maps are just gonna become repetitive


Revert the Sands of Sinai changes, the map is absolutely awful now.


the problem is not flanking. It’s literal, straight spawncamping from half across the map.
Protecting the spawn with some hard cover would have been better though…

ssshhhh don’t question the snail. Don’t try to make sense.
They can’t think one step ahead, and will blame you if you do it for them.
I’ll probably just leave when I’m on the south on this map (sinai). No point in fighting a ridiculously uphill battle.
And no, cutting off the whole hill area too isn’t the right solution. I liked fighting for that flanker route on column 8. Emphasis on past tense… Can’t wait to get absolutely massacred by hulldown tanks behind every hill, using much better armour and at least as good ammo as me.
At this point they might aswell just make it into a full out Sands of Tunisia (the very very large version) and make it a proper sniping map…

Revert map chage - Game Discussion / General Discussion - War Thunder — official forum

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And who exactly are you? I’m fine with the changes.

I don’t have an issue with flanking or sniping. We have tanks designed for that style of gameplay. But if the positions that allow for those types of gameplay where you can rain fire over two-thirds of the map, like Sinai does, and into the opposing team’s spawn and the only real effective counter is CAS, then they either need to go or get changed. And so Gaijin did. Personally, I can’t stand Sinai.

“I don’t want to my sniper to have to play like a heavy brawler” and I don’t want my light tank to have to try and counter-snipe.

Al Alamein is another map that has this issue where that hill/small mountain on the southern/bottom side that allows you to spawn camp the other team’s point closest to A. Not to mention if you own B, you can also shoot into their A-focused spawn.

Wow, more and more maps becoming flat dumb down versions… this player base IQ is becoming as flat and dumb as those maps.

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Please remove Pradesh from the map pool, too many hills!

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and thus, you have destroyed the best bit about that map.

Instead of addressing specific issues they are significantly reducing map sizes, reducing strategic options and eliminating the usage of entire vehicle classes. If you’re OK with that…

After playing for years, the last thing many of us want is the elimination of variety. These changes have reduced my motivation to play.

I used to enter a game with my pals and we’d decide how to play the map - which option to take. That’s gone now, just hold W.

Combined with the lack of map filter options I find myself just quitting to the hangar and increasingly just quitting the game altogether and playing something else.

There has been zero engagement with the playerbase over these changes allegedly “based on player feedback”.

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Every map will end up as a rush head on

should just make spawn where you cannot be killed.

I don’t even know where should I start the explanation of why I very much disagree with this lazy “map update”…

Well anyway, I’m going to ban the map from the rotation instead of the Normandy so I can atleast give my feedback this way.

This change is horrible for the flow and makes zero sence overall, since the affected area makes the map balanced not unbalanced! It is a strategic location and both teams have equal access to it. It is very sad change and also like I said, so painfully lazy…
If the developers wanted to make changes and remove the hill area, they should’ve done so in the next major update and rework the map. This is just terrible execution and total destruction of one of the better maps in the game.

I’m expecting the developer team to revert the change atleast in the next update, or as soon as possible.

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Can Gaijin please STOP DESTROYING THE MAPS ???

Just revert the stupid changes and bring back the old maps!!!

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TA of game - guys who cannot or dont want to learn to play, of course they will just hold w and die to flanker. that’s why casualization happens

At this time “FLANK THE ENEMY” is going to be only a old legend if the changes will continues

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Nice job on the SARH. Cool. Ty.

As for the maps, especially Sinai - Well, hated it before. Now I will just never spawn on a terrible map made unplayable again.

And before anyone says to ban it, I’ve already used my ban on a far worse map - Karelia.

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Dude is using anti-cas argument to justify these stupid map cuts.

They mentioned in the explanation of each change was mainly to counter spawn camping. Which is most definitely a major issue for more players than just those here in the thread. As long as that issue is being addressed somehow, then yes, I do like the changes. I don’t doubt for a second we all have an opinion on how we would change or alter a map’s overall layout.

And welcome to the club if you now have something that diminishes your desire to play. For most people, that would be the lackluster balancing, near constant uptiers, now fullly evident anti-NATO/Western bias, and one-death quitters. Not being able to lob shells into a spawn point from across the map is a weird one but no judgment here.

Maybe, just maybe, this could possibly be a placeholder, short term fix until they can actually deep dive and adjust the map. Nothing in stopping you from continuing to provide feedback on how you think the map can be improved while taking into consideration of spawn camping but getting slap just after leaving a spawn point on these maps is, or was I guess, a major issue.

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