Update ( Xbox, Playstation)

It’s something different.

Another improvement concerns rewards for scouting. If a player has already shot at an enemy before you scouted and then destroyed them, then the game has nothing to reward you for, since another player successfully detected that enemy themselves. Therefore in this situation, you’ll be given a reward “Not by intelligence”. It’s less valuable, meaning you’ll not receive an increase in air strike and artillery points (in Ground Arcade), and a reduction in the cost of spawn points for aircraft (Ground Realistic).

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ok, It seems to be an new reward - less worthy. On the other hand it would be nice if a scouted vehicle is destroyed a few seconds after the timeout of the scouting the scout receives some kind of reward and not nothing like present


Can someone explain?

So, let me get this straight. You are basically making the scouting system less and less usefull for a player. what a nice choice. it is already bad that at long distance even if you can see the target the spotting system doesn’t work and you get the penalty for a mispotting, and now you are adding this new mechanics that dosn’t help nobody and nobody asked for. great job.


Please why do you force us to use new arcady, flashy and wrong UI ? It is distracting and bad. Why ? because until now we had tickets bleeding down. This new UI does the opposite of that, it counts up which is the opposite. In addition it is blinking and shining, just distracting…
Please give us the option to use the old UI, which we had for 10+ years. It worked, was not distracting and I always knew how many tickets both teams have.
Now I have to open player table using Tab to know how many tickets both teams have… The new UI does not fit WT theme and does the opposite of the old UI + distracting…


Is there an option to disable the flashing animation and the plus signs dancing around in the new HUD for Standard Battle every tome anyone gets a kill? It’s distracting the way it is.


Seconding this. Why change what everyone is used to at this point? If anything letting players switch between new and old UI should be an option. Smite did that. You could use either the new UI or continue using the old one if you wanted too. Surely if a free to play game like Smite can accomplish that, War Thunder can also accomplish it?


In the scenario where ally A shoots at an enemy, then they are spotted by you, followed by the enemy gets destroyed by ally B, what reward do you get?

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bro, I hope you are joking

Leave it to his ignorance, he’s Russian Main, he probably still thinks the T90 is an indestructible tank

I hope the full intelligence award will be granted

The new HUD is so bad, please don’t turn this game into project CW, bring back the old HUD


Please optimize the armor of the Chinese VT-4 main battle tank.

It probably deserves a dev post like the Chally 2 got and is probably going to get again

this part they fixed.

i do however agree that the new way of rewarding players is less than satisfactory in comparison to before.

Who asked for this? This has to be the worst. What if I scout someone who was attacked and is hiding behind cover and then gets destroyed by friendly CAS, will I not get a reward for intelligence? Or when scouting someone whose scout effect is gone but died 5 seconds after, that should at least count as an intelligence assist reward.


I will clearly not defend this “improvement” but the new award depends on that the player which shoots first before your scouting is the same which kills the target afterwards

I guess it’s true but the cool down should be much lower, 60 seconds is way too much and the “not by intelligence” name is weird, it should just be something else


The blocky terrain on nvidia gpu’s seems to have been brought back


This was still a thing before this update/patch