There was never a 0.7 br spread. This myth needs to die
BS, in the early days of GF the RB spread was 0.7 and later changed to 1.0 (2014 IIRC).
Update 22.07.2014 (
.Increased the maximum separation between the lowest and highest level of ground vehicles, increased from 0.7 to 1.0 BR; now the maximum rule that applies from the BR extension is 1.0 for all modes
Damn that’s so long ago. Can’t imagine how the balance can actually deteriorate when player count has gone up which should in theory provide even more room for decompression.
No it wasnt. Even back then people started this but it never was. Mm has always been +/- 1 br ever since the introduction of the 5 tier system replaced the 20 tier system.
Use the eyes in your face and read my post again…
Update 22.07.2014 (
.Increased the maximum separation between the lowest and highest level of ground vehicles, increased from 0.7 to 1.0 BR; now the maximum rule that applies from the BR extension is 1.0 for all modes
That’s literally the path notes
Well I like the decompression in the middle but the top became frustration to play honestly. I do not understand why there was no introduction of 12.0 BR for Tanks.
That was part of the caculation of the br lineup. There use to be a calculation for what your br was going into a battle. If you had a lineup of 6.0 to 7.0 it would adjust your lineups br to be 6.3 and you would be put in a match + or - 1 br from 6.3 instead of 6.0.
This is the original update explaining the new br system. " * With BR difference of 1.0 and more in your line-up maximum step-down ratio is 0.75"
Why TF was that a thing, imagine getting super uptiered.
Also those patch notes seem to be about something different than what Flak is talking about
Yes it was it was stupid and being in squads it was a pain trying to figure out what you actual battle raing was. The point was to try and make the mm easier for people getting their first vehicle of a new br but it was used more of a way to try and manipulate your br.
Some youtubers use to have videos up on how to do that.
I think it’s still a thing in air AB, didn’t know it also applied to ground back in the day.
Since you changed the entire line-up of German tanks from 7.3 to 7.7/8.0, I’ve had no pleasure whatsoever in playing this BR. What’s more, we’re only playing against the Russians, and they know exactly how to kill or see us, with all their technological improvements (T-55AM-1 for example) and all the arrows we get, we can’t do anything. Why change a line-up that’s already balanced against the Americans or the Russians? It’s literally unplayable. We’ll have to go back down to BR to get some nice games.
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the change was very good. keep going
Excuse me but this is exactly why it doesn’t work like that. If Gaijin proceeds to change the game until the last person stops complaining about stuff, our maps will look like a chessboard and every vehicle will be an MBT.
If you have problems with spawncamping helis and aircraft: Learn to play SPAA.
If you have problems with spawncamping ground vehicles: Learn to play for map control and do not ignore one complete flank.
BUT: If Gaijin proceeds to make maps even smaller just because people do not understand that terrain and map control is important in this game this game will die or at least become unenjoyable for alot of players even more.
The majority prefer small maps.
The majority also prefer to lolpen and not have to memorise weak spots. Or not need to angle.
We expect players to learn how to maximise their vehicles or suffer the consequences. Why should maps be any different?
There is literally zero reason to have the depth of vehicle roster WT boasts, if most of the maps tailor to those that can brawl in CQC exclusively.
The majority prefer large maps.
Leo 1 - 8.0 ?? No stab, no armor, no damage. What are you smoking, Gaijing ???
I always get uptiers when playing 9.0. Facing T-72AV (TURMS-T) in a Leopard A1A1 is not fun.