
I am sorry to say but most of this is horrendous.

French Rank V has been completely gutted. The 7.7 lineup that was previously incomplete, but available, has now been entirely removed.
New players who would like to research rank VI now have to bring every single one of their vehicles (including the AuF1) to 8.0, which is hardly ideal, fun, or viable.
There’s a reason why these vehicles aren’t 8.0, but because Rank V quite literally ONLY has five vehicles, your average player is forced to bring them up that high because of the changes to the AMX-30 (1972).

Leaving aside this particular dislike, I think all these changes did is compress the higher BRs. These BR changes should’ve been paired with an increase of the BR ceiling (maybe 13.0), and moving up all the top-tiers accordingly aswell.

As for the map changes, they are horrendous for the most part and it can be easily seen that they were rushed without much thought put into them.

  • Normandy’s playable area has been cut by 25-35% for no real reason, the fields part of the map wasn’t problematic in any way shape or form and did not permit shooting either of the spawns.
    The changes should be reverted.

  • Alaska/Ground Zero didn’t simply have the entrance to the mountain forests closed off, but the play area by itself has been shrinked significantly on the Western portion.
    As a result, the map has been completely urbanised, removing al long-range sniping spots from it, which were already terribly lacking.
    The zone around the A cap (the one under the bridge) is now incredibly cramped, prompting you with a “leaving the battlefield message” practically anywhere you go, with the little playable space left being insufficient.

The changes should be reverted.

  • Maginot Line: the ridges around the Eastern portion of the map didn’t permit shelling of spawn zones. These were zones part of the map over which constant fighting would occur and which have now been removed for no reason. Maginot Line is primarily a long-range sniping map, and yet, in addition to the removal of the ridges, most of the sniping spots around it have also been removed, which means people either have to snipe spawn-to-spawn, or move into the city.
    Once again, the playable area has been shrunk significantly for no reason, trying to fix an issue which didn’t exist and making the playing experience worse as a result.

The changes should be reverted.

  • Vietnam: Definitely the shoddiest work done this update. The swamp has been drained, sure, but the whole Northern portion of the map looks incredibly out-of-place now. The terrain is now incredibly confusing, ironically making visibility even worse than it was before.
    Even though the swamp has been drained, the river houses, the fishing nets, the water mills, bridges and the boats are all still placed in the map where water used to be and it makes zero sense and obscures visibility further.

I think the intention behind the change was good, it should be kept in place, but definitely get the mappers to fix the mess left behind.

  • Jungle: The map has been COMPLETELY gutted.
    The description is at the very least misleading, you didn’t remove “paths out of the play area”, you removed a good portion of the play area itself.
    90% of sniping spots have been removed on this map, spots that were common knowledge to everybody and have been around since the launch of the ground forces. The only viable remaining viable spot now is the one in C-5.
    All the flanking routes in the F and G grids have been removed, effectively turning the entire thing into a three-lane map, which is horrible in my opinion.
    Most of these things would be fine if Jungle was a low-tier map meant to ease players into the game, but IT ISN’T.
    Jungle’s BR range is 2.7-7.7, and it was already painfully small before. Now that you’ve removed practically every useful spot that MBTs and TDs could use, it’s completely unplayable.

Either revert the changes, or limit Jungle to the 1.0-6.0 range.

Max BR was increased from 11.0 to 11.7.
So yes, the ceiling was raised.

Why are you calling BR decompression “pointless”?

Tornado IDS MFG was OP at 10.7, not only carrying matches in air superiority, but earning as much as a premium aircraft.

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Fields of Poland should be reworked as well, especially at top tier, it’s the worst map in the game, just spawn to spawn shooting, hopefully map ban exists.
From br changes, Re.2005 br increase is the worst probably, unfortunately it seems the Italian community is too small for you to hear our negative feedback on this one.

These BR changes are some of the worst ive seen yet, some of my favorite vehicles are now unplayable, also I cant grind with the vehicles i just bout tailsman on, thanks a lot now i wasted my money on vehicles that i can barely grind with.

Some of these changes are nice, others… not so much.

As far as France is concerned:

-The AMX-30 and AMX-30 (1972) now have no line up. Not only that, but they have worse ammo choice than the Leo 1, OF-40 and M60 which are at the same BR and they don’t have a LRF unlike the OF-40. The autocannon (which is only present on the 1972, not the premium) doesn’t make up for these weaknesses, both of these variants are just worse than their 8.0 counterpart.
Putting them back down to 7.7 would fix that issue while also giving them a functional lineup.

-The B2 and Brennus will face even more stabilized opponents. Gaijin didn’t even use these BR changes to implement the missing 100mm KE protection on the Brennus :/
IMO the B2 should go back down to 8.3, Brennus maybe stays at 8.7 with fixed KE protection.

-8.3 has been completely gutted, it’s only light vehicles and an armored missile carrier. You have no MBT of any kind to back you up. Putting the AMX-30B2 down to 8.3 would help a bit.


the br changes are the worst thing they could do for the game, at least for the nation of germany, it is unplayable, all the tanks that went up from br are at a disadvantage, in br 6.7 all the tanks are better, and the the russians simply and they didn’t touch anything, the is 3 are too unbalanced, it’s just one of the examples and you choose a tiguer 2 and you keep facing the t 54, you go to a higher tier and you find the leopart in 8.0 and you see that They are all 9.0 arrow ammunition, with very large armor and hold and what do you have to offer? I’m not saying it’s impossible but it’s due to pure ability, you still go up more and you find that the leopart1 a1 and the leopart 1a5 are also at a great disadvantage, although it is true that the leopart a5 has thermals and a lazer rangefinder, they pair you up against an abrams or challenger that is far above the tank for example and not to mention the leopart 2k did absolutely nothing to help but strangely if some russian tanks, which we return to the topic of the previous br, the preference for the nation of russia is too noticeable .
If you want to make changes by separating vehicles, think and analyze in an objective, not simple way, in mind, because it is Germany or any other nation that is not Russia, you have to play at a disadvantage.

the preference for russian tanks reached a stupid level, analyze the changes of br they didn’t touch anything at all, and they still have post war vehicles in the br of the vehicles of the second world war, which of course they are not going to change because they are from Russia

Is HEAT really worse than APDS?
B2 is fine at 8.7, it won’t bully 7.3s.
And AMX-30 shouldn’t be allowed to ever bully 6.7s again.

Perfect!! worse and worse… and worse than that it really couldn’t have been done!

Btr-80 is a issue of course (need to be 8.0 minimum), PT-76 is an exception at 5.3 and the Bmp-1 (7.7) should be 8.0 with its 1P modification, 0.7 less than BMP-2.

2S3, asu-85 and asu-57 are SPG without many problem (It’s a bit like the situation of Panzer IVs in low BR with their HEAT ammo so it can fight better armored vehicles). However it remains quite simple to destroy them, as in the case of the Nashorn and Waffen. For the 2S3, it’s the same about Type 75 spg and Fv4005 : they are derp gun and sometime HE/HESH are skill issue (like the photocopier that refuses to cooperate to providing you the document you want to print; your shot is just a ‘hit’ on the opponent).

Su-100P is a 1947 tank, it’s okay at 6.3 (anyway HE love them)

Maybe, you can try them… Like the T92, M50 or the M56 you would have soon (I saw your Profile)

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It’s situational. But these tanks have the ammo choice, the AMX-30s doesn’t.

The B2 will get bullied by everything due to not having a stab while others do, so no it most certainly won’t be fine.
Leaving it a 8.7 also does nothing to address the 8.3 lineup issue.

So it’s just going to stay there with absolutely no lineup all the while performing worse than its peers, basically being unplayable. Truly an amazing solution there.
If putting them at 7.7 in their current form is too much of a risk for 6.7s then slightly nerf their rate of fire or something. But the current situation is absolutely awful for them.

What do you mean lucky draw?
The F4c sits a bit low but the rest seam ok it’s more about the compression which is extremely bad in air RB

in Air Sim.

Some of the BRs are really random. The one I can specifically comment on is FGR2/FG1 Phantoms are better than the F4J(UK) because of the better engines, but in all other respects they are identical

FGR2/FG1 10.7
F4J(UK) 11.3

I have heard of others, like the Israeli F4 being a different Br to an identical one on another tree. Only in this update did the Torando IDSs and Tornado ADVs get matching BRs. though it was a mistake to raise the ADVs

Probably some weird statistic anomaly

Maybe, also might just be because the F4J(UK) is premium

Not showing on Xbox either. I don’t know who QAs this updates for console but they need to try a little harder. This one is so easy to spot.

Some BR changes are good, some are terrible. You are basically just guessing BRs (as always), because whoever makes these changes lacks experience. I wonder how many years it will take you to finally fix BR in entire game. Just think about it for a while, why is there need to change BRs cca every 3 months?

Anybody noticed activity time counter changes? seems that game counts only time that you shoot, especially on the planes. Maneuvers, positioning, dodging - seems it’s not an activity. Not to mention silver lions, which was given for an activity.

Yep, it is.
The AMX-30 at 7.7 bullied 6.7s no more than the Leopard 1 which is better in every way bullied 6.3s from its old BR of 7.3.

I’m a German main, and I emphatically disagree with this take. The Leopard 1 was grossly undertiered at 7.3. It should have always been 7.7, which it effectively is now, because the current post-decompression 8.0 is almost overlapping with the old 7.7.

Meanwhile the German 6.7 lineup is finally useful again. So, are you sure it’s the viability of the “German branch” you’re complaining about?

Look. The Leopard has no armour, does not rely on protection to stay alive. And it always lacked a stab, and faced tanks with it. So long as the gun works, it’s basically BR-agnostic.