
I dont know what im doing wrong but in like 48 out of 50 games i always get uptiered and its starting to get frustarating because its been happening for more then a year is it because i have done too great in games witch i find wierd because i mostly get 1 or 2 kills per game or is it just sum wierd game thing?

You need to know how uptiers work in order to understand this.

A maximum of 4 players per team can be top BR in any one match. Since we play 16vs16 (usually), that means we all equally have a 75% chance of being uptiered.

That’s a baseline. Things like player distribution across BRs, popularity of certain vehicles, being in a squad or not etc, can alter this percentage.

The interesting thing about this, though, is that 12 players (or more) on the enemy team will not be top BR. So in 0.3 and 0.7 uptiers, you will actually meet enemies at or around your BR most of the time, and even someone with lower BRs than you. It’s only when you’re in a full uptier that you need to be really careful about which vehicle you spawn in, and what you do. Even then, some of my best matches have been full uptiers.

It’s a psychological thing. Look past it, and your experience with the game will be much better. All you need to care for when it comes to uptiers and downtiers is decide what to spawn and predict what enemies you might encounter.


The worst is i just switched to germany because i didnt like the ussr tank no more and i just got a tiger and every other tank for me is 3.3-3.7 and now i have a tiger at 5.7 and get uptiered to 6.7 im guessing because the games have nukes so i cant rlly ignore it since once i get killed im facing a t44 with a panzer 4 h hahha

Having a well rounded lineup will make your matches much better, regardless if it’s an uptier or not.


Like my good friend Motorola said: work on your lineups. And don’t move up until you feel in command of the previous lineup. I made the mistake of rushing through the ranks when I first started, and trust me, no newly unlocked tank will magically make you good at the game.

For reference, this is what my 5.3 and 5.7 lineups look like.


alr will work on that then tnx

It’s not 75%, it’s like 60%.

Keep in mind that when you’re in a 6.0 tank and the top person in the match is 6.3, that is NOT an “uptier”, that is a downtier (“soft downtier”, “half downtier” whatever). Because far more people in the match are DOWN in tier from you than there are people UP in tier from you.

More people down than up = unambiguously downtier. You have an advantage versus the average person in the match.

When the match goes up to 6.7 while you’re at 6.0, that is when it first begins to be an uptier, because it’s the first time you are at a dis-advantage versus the average person in the match.

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Sorry, I guess I could have worded it more clearly by saying that we have a baseline 25% chance to be top BR/fully downtiered.

Actually, I have a simpler solution.
When I notice that WG starts to consistently uptier me, I am pressing “Alt+F4” and switch to World of Warships. In WoWs, when you are uptiered, you at least have a chance to penetrate opponent’s armor - so the game is definitely more fun and engaging than War Thunder. The maps are also larger. So, unlike WT with its ever-shrinking maps where you are mostly limited to a head-on collision, in WoWs you have more variety in gameplay.
An indirect benefit is that I definitely waste less time playing video games.
The bottom line: if Gajin is happy with their revenue and user base, and doesn’t care to increase it [from a laughable $26 mln] - I’m happy for them.

2.3 billion Rubles for even more accuracy, I stated something about this in a recent post. (A 1lbs loaf of bread costs 42 rubles if that helps perspective it)

So my experience has been drastically different. While sometimes the full uptier can be fun, pre-mods it definitely is not. And it can and should get frustrating when you completely outplay an opponent only to be out tanked. Personally I like the game to be more about skill than about the luck of the tier. My guess is you have played a lot, and maybe are at top tier, which benefits from a constant full downtier. Those of us that casually play and aren’t there suffer from what appears to be a far from random tiering system.

I recently started a post about uptiers, and shared some real numbers. Two different occasions I have had more than 10 full uptiers in a row across several countries and different brs. The odds of this happening just once is statistically impossible if the tiering is random.

Then recently I did a large sample, and here is what I came up with.

I ran 25 assorted matches for 5 different days. Each 25 was fairly consistent. For clarification I consider each match either a full uptier (the lowest br in the match), a partial uptier (the second lowest br in the match), a partial downtier (the 2nd highest rank in the match) and a full downtier (top br in the match). The end results were as follows: 59 Full uptiers, 31 partial uptiers, 19 partial downtiers, 16 full downtiers. Each 25 match sample from each day consistently had mostly full uptiers, and the least full downtiers. The percentages are crazy, 47% of all matches were full uptiers. 72% of all matches were some sort of uptier. I was unable to get a long string of full uptiers like I had before, with the most in a row being 5 three times. If those who doubt the results I have the date and time of each sample and you can pull all of my matches if you like. The fact is as I stated before, it is not random, there has to be another variable. I certainly am not the best player out there, but I do fairly well in most uptiers as long as I have mods to have shells that can pen. The time the uptiers are most noticed is with new tanks, because often it isn’t worth playing if you cannot harm the other tanks. Takes all skill out of the game.

What this information does I don’t know, but I was frustrated enough to put this time into it. Gaijin probably won’t disclose the other variable for fear of it being exploited. Maybe some of those here denying there is a problem have already discoverd the exploit. Next mission is to see if I can find it. If I do I will share it here. As always, HFGL


No, I have no interest in playing top tier. I only go up to 7.7, and even then only because of the Maus; WW2 stuff is what interests me, and 6.7 Germany is my favourite lineup in the game.

I’m sure tons of factors under the hood influence the exact rates of uptiers - not just the actual matchmaking factors but also emergent properties, like how many people cluster around which BRs at any point of time.

Since the specifics are beyond our knowledge, let alone control, all you can do is take the same deal as every other player (and play), or decide that it’s not for you and move on to something else. Both are valid responses. Personally I got to the point where uptiers really don’t bother me most of the time. We’re all in the same boat and I’ve been competitive in full uptiers enough times to know that it can be done. But to each their own!

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I do agree. I would tell you that if you got to into the 9 or 10 range and were running with un modded tanks, you would quit if uptiers happened often. No matter how well you outplay the other guy, you simply cannot pen them so they outtank you every time. The grind to get a shell that is effective is crazy. I loved 6.7 as well, and Germany makes sense because their guns can one shot almost anything even a tier above. Maybe that is why it hasn’t annoyed me much until now. At 9.3 a full uptier is almost unplayable and without mods it literally is unplayable. So the last few months haven’t been much fun grinding for mods. So maybe the result is to go back down and hang there for a while again. That said there absolutely is another variable. It is simply impossible to get the results I have across many countries and many brs on different days at different times unless that is the case. I guess we will never know. I do think that it is part of the reason the number of players is stuck pretty low. The game design itself is amazing, this should be much more popular than it is. Anyways, thanks for the conversation. As always, HFGL.

The way the matchmaker works means a majority of matches will be an uptier. Gaijin really needs to add something like a toggle-able uptier protection option where for every uptier you are guaranteed a downtier at the cost of potentially longer matchmaker times, or at the very least add increased rewards for playing in a full uptier. Its to the point where I just leave full uptiers I dont even care anymore

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they need to fix the fucking uptiers. I dont want to play against radar missiles as I find that boring as hell. I have 3 aircraft that is 10.3, and I always face off against f4’s. I shouldnt have to. gaijin needs to listen to us, stop uptiering us. some times, we get maybe one that’s an f4 while the enemy team have way more than that. often times you can face entire teams that’s 1.3 above you. tyhe match maker is busted. I’d rather wait 5 minutes / match and not have to face fucking radar missiles. just fic a match´maker where you can opt out of radar missiles.

fix the uptiers, it sucks and ruins the game. people have and will quit cos of this reason. 10.3 shouldnt have to face off against radar missiles.

6.0-8.0 is a very compressed br range. If someone wants to get less uptiers then he can play 3.0-4.0 br vehicles.