Up tiering issues

up tiering should be removed only should able play against same tier jets or planes i hate going against f-14 that can litterly lock onto me across the map and down while am in f-4 phatom it’s remotely unfair and unbalanced.

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que times would be several minutes instead of instantly. I really wish they would just do a 0.7 spread as a test to see how que times would suffer.

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I simply don’t think they can remove it.The game engine is what it is and we are stuck with it whether anybody likes it or not.

yea f15 and f14 and f16 should not being going against f4 legit unfiar and unbalanced

They ran the F4 and the F15/14 together for years though.They were in service together at the same time.I do understand the frustration of the up tier generally though.

Retired * 1996 (U.S. combat use)

  • 2013 (Germany)
  • 2016 (U.S. target drone)[1]
  • 2021 (Japan)
  • 2024 (South Korea)[

Pinched from wiki : )

again legit unfair because they have longer lock on then the f4 does they legit should never see each other in a match.

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I am not convinced up tier works in may cases but many on here would scream “not another era separation” post

I suppose you have to accept that some vehicles are better than others and seek guidance into how to make the F4 Phantom work against the F14.
You are certainly on the right forum for that so it’s not all bad news.

Plenty on here will give you guidance on how to survive on the up tier in the F4 if it can be done.

oh yes easy to dodge all the f-14 and migs missles spammers. i know how to use the f4 issues is all this stupid missles spammers and getting lock on over 40 and shot over 40k is not fair let alone i can dodge missle but when it like almost 10 missles coming from multi people when playing 16 v16 trash honestly this game is litterly unbalanced alot people agree it unbalanced and unfair.

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Plenty of posts on this forum criticizing the Phantom in its many guises for sure.