[Would you like to see this in-game?]
Since the addition of unlimited fuel being a setting you can create on maps such as pilotage and other custom player made maps. Many have used it to their hearts content with aircraft that would either be restrictive to fly with maximum fuel all the time or for those with rocket aircraft with 6 minute of fuel such as the Me-163’s.
Now for the owners of aircraft with booster containing thrusters like the Me-262’s and so forth, it is quite puzzling how all other aircraft have unlimited fuel for all of their engines, however the hybrid rocket thruster aircraft such as the me-262’s do not. This then get’s in the way of enjoying the differing performances such thrusters can provide the standard aircraft by limiting them to normal fuel timers in unlimited maps.
It’s not a giant change and won’t effect the game as a whole in any way as it is secluded only to custom battles, but it will be something that will be appreciated by those owners of such aircraft in the gamemodes with limited fuel turned off.
(I will also just add here this change is NOT for RATO/JATO concept booster rockets that when used up on takeoff fall away from the aircraft, such as those on the A-4’s, IL-28’s, Arado 234’s and the Me-264. As those are not throttable/cannot turn on and off in combat or climb and are single use boosters that fall away from aircraft).
Would be cool, but there’s like 2 planes in the game that would make use of this, likely a pretty low priority.
However Hybrid aircraft exist ingame and more will come to the game eventually.
i think it should be a separate setting, so one can still play with infinite fuel for all aircraft except booster propelled
Hopefully someday soon this gets passed, since many of us in the pilotage communities and dogfight communities would love to use the uniqueness of Hybrid Engine aircraft to their fullest extent with unlimited fuel, just like all other aircraft when limited fuel off is selected.
I clicked for electric P-51s…
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Ah gotcha, I was for a good minute interested in whom made an Electric Engined P-51.
I hope this gets seen soon, it’s a quality of life upgrade for custombattles with unlimited fuel, since it has always been a shackle that when trying to do formations with aircraft using unlimited fuel, those hybrid rocket booster aircraft do not have unlimited fuel on their controllable boosters (on off control for interception and flight).
Heres hoping this suggestion gets controlled booster fuel to be unlimited just like normal aircraft (fingers crossed).
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Is there any chance this can be added in the new year? Many of us players whom use aircraft with interception rocket boosters as they are hybrid propulsion aircraft would still love and do yearn for the unlimited fuel on those controllable boosters. Since all other aircraft in customs with unlimited fuel still have unlimited fuel as normal. But having a mismatch in performance just for hybrid performance aircraft not having the same capabilities as others with single type propulsion is quite a shame.
Hopefully this gets more love with more upvotes soon.
Any news on whether or not this will be implemented. Many of us still in the Pilotage Community are still waiting for this addition.