Universal Coupons - every Special Vehicle gets one


I wanted to let Chad-GPTphanim write this but since I read a comment by a Forum Mod once, saying that human interaction and content are prefered here, I will freestyle it.

As the title says, I would like every Special Vehicle to be introduced to the Marketplace in Coupon form and featured in a Lootbox atleast once per year. This way, the Market value can increase in between Boxes to allow the sellers to make some GJN, while during the Lootbox phase the price will drop due tue a temporary influx of Coupons, giving more players a Chance to access the vehicle. Since I managed to obtain the IS-7 this way, I know it is a viable strategy.

This also helps to mitigate Player frustration during Lootbox Events, since a player is no longer forced to gamble the boxes themselves for a Vehicle that is directly activated on the Account Only (Non-Coupon Vehicles) like for example the Ka-Chi. Instead the player can use the Market and look for a value reduction to get the desired vehicle/s guaranteed.

Gaijin allows common players to get the E100 on the Market, a completely Paper vehicle that is connected to very high skill tournaments, so why should some Special/Event Vehicles be excluded? And I think it should be possible for Gaijin to do, that old Event Vehicles from before the Market can get a Coupon for it.

Opinions, Feedbacks, Ideas etc, welcome.

One time or another old event vehicles that are not available for sale on the Marketplace may return, but we, community, doesn’t have any clue, either I don’t remember any event vehicle returning.

I mean event vehicles not commemoration vehicles like the Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus, Maus for short, lol.

If the player’s is interested in earning GJN to buy event vehicles, the easiest way is farming eSports boxes and sell them in the marketplace, since they appear in very specific times of the year not all the time like Major updates boxes, they usually brings people interested to pay for them.

Or maybe grind a vehicle to the 750,000 score points to get the coupon to sell it.

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