United States WR (Win Rates)

the adats missile is also beam riding and becomes hard to control as early as 5-6km
ill agree the asrad is def undertierd tho

Germeny Vicals, and evey thing else… I play Navle only and Bombers only for ships… I like targets that can fight back… And not with misslels and Bs jets…

Well go make a bug report about it since Beam riders are supposed to perform differently compared to SACLOS as per gaijins own wording when they gutted all the SACLOS missiles

I can barely decode what you’re saying

Use a jet then germany has the Arados you can bomb in those

thats def how the devs want it to work, all missiles lose gs once the booster cuts and they start loosing speed, if the asrad isnt loosing gs its prob a bug or just how the devs want it to fly

The Stormer doesn’t lose any maneuverability either but that doesn’t really matter when its 50/50 on whether the missile decides to detonate or not

the stormer dos actually get more sluggish over time but since it starts at a very high 47gs and has a start speed of over 1100ms while only going 7km it pretty much only loose a little bit of handling,

How are you dying to Aim-9B in arcade that’s genuinely impressive

Also why are you even playing naval its a dead end gamemode and there’s far better naval games like Sea power

not shur I dnt have missles nore should I be going agisned them… If it happends agin ill post the replay refrance number but like i said i wont use fighters… Ohh you can chess fighters in Air Defence!! But then you deal with mig 21s 25s 29s F16s A10s Su22s F8s and all that crap. You get some nice players at times… And yes people still play it and at least you know how screwd up it is so i wont go thier :D but I will say why play tanks when you got jets and helicopters up your @@s Bomers cant do $£¦t either even at low levels. But you have to play air just so you get bombs that do $£¦t

Later variants of the SEP would help but as far as I’m aware the v3 hasn’t even been passed to the devs yet. I’d actually like for the US to get something within the last decade for top tier ground.

Well for one I don’t have US ground forces, and second whatever research you do on your own games isn’t going to be accurate. You simply have to look at every single match (in which USA played) in a given period of time if you want accurate winrates.

That doesnt mean anything tbh.

They could’ve already finished SEP V3 but they just hasnt accepted its suggestion yet, Leopard2A7V suggestion is the clear proof for that, it was only accepted right before the patch when they added.

Just pointing out that it hasn’t been passed. It would honestly be very easy to make since there’s little changed from a model perspective. I just wish that section of the Forums was updated to reflect the passed suggestions.

Srry did not know about the t14 thing. and me saying that Russia plays things up is true but not ever nation does that a lot of nations if they do relies on info doesn’t make it seem like it’s the best in the world a lot of them will just kind of say what it is…

The USA getting something modern Ur funny little man. we all know that would be fare. at least air wise. ground it could happen but I do think the AbramsX could be something cool they could add I know it isn’t even a MBT for the Army or whatever and it’s just a prototype that still hasn’t been accepted from my knowledge BUT it would be cool to rock light blue before getting murdered by a Russia tank.

“and second whatever research you do on your own games isn’t going to be accurate.” it is I know it’s not going to be to the extent of the 100,000s of people that play each day but if you say mine isn’t going to be accurate than WT Data Project isn’t going to be ether cause they don’t use all battles that has been played. I went to the website and I think you have to join a form to sign up to do this If WT did release all the data from games, I think WT Data Project would be wrong, and the numbers would be closer to my numbers. also, you don’t have to play USA to test this play whatever nation you play and see how many times you win, when they are on Ur team and not on ur team…

Also, someone said that WT Data Project draws data from gaijin. which means I could be wrong. But c

if that’s true why won’t gaijin just post it themselves. ***

lmao Sep v2 is rivel with t90m? you kidding me.

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They were released in the same update at the same time. Gaijin believes they are more or less equal, hence the idea of a rival.