Unfairly treated

So it’s ingame reports, or includes the server replay ones too?

Keep us all posted ;)

No worries my man ❤️

Yeah dont worry I will…

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Sorry if i came across as not believing you, but the search in my inbox didn’t show that conversation where you’ve added me (still doesn’t strangely enough, maybe that’s a forum bug even, but I found the message finally).


Thats okay, I understand. Especially in situations like this. Im sorry for getting so worked up.

You are the best Schindibee <3


Please unpermachatban me.


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So can we know the message he got banned for ?

No. All moderation is private, and not for public eyes.



So you’re saying that investivating is for… private eyes? :3

ROFL I can take a wild guess WHO banned you so yea gud luck… Same one banned me for explaining to a new player that the squad he was crying about in Naval realistic where in fact bot scripting for event vehicle to sell and he should report them so they get busted and banned Im sure you remember SHOTI if u played then…30 day chat ban for no swearing ,blaming or childish talk… Just telling another player to do what I and others where doing…He has some bi polar issues I swear cause he all friends when you talk about dirtbikes but will find things you say and twist them into breaking rules to ban you

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“yet again”

If it happened “yet again” maybe you are the issue?