Unfairly treated

Not correct. You contacted me in November, about another chat ban, and you got your answer then. Contact me again please about the most recent chat ban.

That’s incorrect. Our team consists of about a dozen GM’s as first point of contact. If those can’t solve an issue, the matter can be escalated to us Senior Game Masters. And if even we can’t settle it, the lead GM will take over.


this is NEW

Be sure to report that TK through the server replay option… Totally needs to be done for the sake of the rest of us.

You look pretty angry to be honest, I wouldn’t imagine the WT chat is so important that getting a mere 30 days muted would make the person sounds like someone shat in his cornflakes this morning, now I’m interested to see what you typed to warrant a ban lol

The ban message only contains the category of the offense, not the details. For details, any player can contact one of the GM’s vie Forum PM.

Btw, that’s quite rare in the industry: Try this with a major concole producer for example, you will never get proof for your alleged offense…

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@Schindibee I have you and 8 others added to the same chat, no one has replied. So please do not say that im lying about contacting staff

I think you’re freaking out about being chat banned for a month a little too much.

The Game Master also have to deal with every report for this game.

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I did but I dont take this company seriously anymore, that guy is still not banned…

Also funniest thing about all of this, this same guy TKed me same way a day before…AHHAHHAAHAHAHA

But yeah its better to focus on people daring to say anything against game or admins LOL…what a joke

last time i was banned i said some dumb shit


They’ll get what’s coming to them to be honest… They took a hardline in the last ban wave about TKing.

Just keep doing it, and don’t spam multiple reports on the same guy, just one per instance of it occuring.

Yeah funny thing is I bet you I get banned quicer for spam reports then him for this malicious TK…

Spamming reports makes it harder to work with things.

Like those guys that call on randoms to mass-report someone in the main chat… It doesn’t help.

They will get thiers though, just trust in the system.

If I answewr on this I will get banned per

3.8. It is not allowed to discuss threads closed by the Administration or Website Managers or any Users’ posts deleted by them, challenge or discuss corresponding actions of Administration, Moderators (and/or Global Moderators), Community Managers, Coordinators, and Game Masters in any form.

So I guess you are correct and Im wrong.

What even happened that this turned into anti-admins and anti-mods?

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You know they said people who report will get notification when people they reported get banned…

But somehow thats not in game. LOL

I just cant take this game seriously, Im trying but this all just looks like confusing mess

Why are you doing this??? who said anything anti admin or anti-mods???

Nvm i misread context

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I didn’t see that, that’ll be awesome if it does… But also it could make some trouble where people gloat and make goals based on trying to get people banned.

I’m fairly certain that has been implemented

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then I guess we will see with my report of this malicous player who TKed me… I really hope so, but I doubt it…