Not correct. You contacted me in November, about another chat ban, and you got your answer then. Contact me again please about the most recent chat ban.
That’s incorrect. Our team consists of about a dozen GM’s as first point of contact. If those can’t solve an issue, the matter can be escalated to us Senior Game Masters. And if even we can’t settle it, the lead GM will take over.
You look pretty angry to be honest, I wouldn’t imagine the WT chat is so important that getting a mere 30 days muted would make the person sounds like someone shat in his cornflakes this morning, now I’m interested to see what you typed to warrant a ban lol
3.8. It is not allowed to discuss threads closed by the Administration or Website Managers or any Users’ posts deleted by them, challenge or discuss corresponding actions of Administration, Moderators (and/or Global Moderators), Community Managers, Coordinators, and Game Masters in any form.
I didn’t see that, that’ll be awesome if it does… But also it could make some trouble where people gloat and make goals based on trying to get people banned.