2 solutions
- add hmd to the c variant (best solution)
- lower it to 13.3 (pls don’t I want a 14.0 for Sweden Gripen are boring)
2 solutions
13.3 i feel is too low for now, id say try it at 13.7 and see how it goes.
F-18C doesn’t have thrust vectoring missiles nor is 14.0 an IR missile WVR meta.
HMD would never cause an aircraft to become 14.0.
The only way F-18C goes to 13.7 is if ALL 14.0s go to 13.7. No aircraft deserves to be OP.
Considering some of the maps in air rb yeah HMD is fairly vital. In sim not so much but its better to have it and not need it than not have it and need it.
F15C with your own logic much?
Just take it as „ every 14.0 plane has hmd so why would this have no hmd if it’s at 14.0?“
HMD is never vital. TWS is faster and superior.
And yes, F-15C should be the same BR as all the 14.0s, I’ve said that countless times.
@engween Prove that 14.0 is an IR missile meta then.
It just is :)
So what? Give it their bombs. Sweden sucks for CAS, why punish Sweden/Finland further, just because of an arbitrary “need” for 14.0? Should China and Japan get absolutely nothing for their 14.0 jets. Well, the Chinese Mirage is definitely lackluster, but still. At least they have MULTIPLE options for top tier CAS. Sweden has ONE, of which gets six pylons and have to give up a max of ⅔ of their missiles for it.
Take the Russian flankers as a example
Nothing would be wrong in putting Danish F-16A MLU in this nation tree. That would make it more or less par with the F-16C Block 50 of the US tree.
That would give access to MK82, MK84, GBU-12 GBU-31, LAU-3 and AGM65G for CAS
Regardless your logic doesn’t matter stats do and by that same logic an inferior vehicle will perform better than many better vehicles because more skilled players play them. Its why the EBR 1951 is 5.3 or why the Hunter F6 on France is 9.0 in sim and the J34 with less thrust is 9.3, or the J35D is 10.7 in sim and the XS is 10.3, skill matters and nobody should be punished for being good, the Finnish F-18C is at a disadvantage in the current Air RB environment.
this hasn’t been true at high tier for a long time now, low tier sure but high tier is dominated by kh38s since the su34 came out.
and your talking about f15s, Eurofighter’s and flanker but kinda forget sweden really only makes the grippen. the f18 being added isnt Swedish either at the end of the day its better to be glad its being added in the first place than be mad at other nations for having their own domestic aircraft.
Id rather a good vehicle be added than one thats inferior to an existing one at a lower BR. The gripen will still be played while the F-18C will be ignored because why torture yourself by playing an inferior model which is missing a vital component?
F-18C MLU 2 isn’t in the game.
Japan has F-15JM, and China has J-11B.
The Su-34 is OP at 13.3 without HMD and would be perfectly fine at 13.7, and still playable at 14.0.
@Pheonix_RX01 F-18C is superior to all 13.7s in the game and a few 14.0s by a marginal amount.
F-18C is superior to Gripen? And F15C? Idk thats pretty rough to say imo
Im talking about a dogfight. Hmd in a dogfight with Russian ir missiles is meta
i dont know if id consider hmd vital to using the aim120, in most cases if your that close your in a bad spot to begin with.
Eh, i sit on the edge and catch climbers off guard quite often. Its more just my style since the gripen TWS is finnicky at times. Mid alt hunting high climbers rushing into the center of the map brings me within 20km and occasionally needing to defend then lock again to get the missile back on target is vital. I do it quite often with R27ER and ET but thats because the ET is just a fun counter missile lol.
F-15C is 14.0, and yes the F-18C is superior for the low alt fights, which make up almost all of the combat requirements beyond the first 2 minutes of a match. Survival matters more than initial position and escape.
@engween If you’re dogfighting in air RB you’re dying to third parties.