Unfair F-18C Implementation - Why Must the Finnish Hornet Be Inferior?

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I go by what the majority would like. Nobody wants a nation without actual ties to get stuff that makes no sense. Thats like Italy getting the Leopard 2E. Spain isn’t a Italian subtree nor do they have any ties to the Leopard 2E. Germany should be the ones who get that.

This same logic applies to the event F-5A(G)-40 it seems like gaijin has decided Norway is going to the nordic tree but its unconfirmed. Similarly to the Swiss. These vehicles should’ve gone to their creator nation but seem to be part of an unconfirmed TT. If Italy or the US were to get a Brazil Gripen E the 13 swedish air players would be upset. I mean look at the Canadian or Australian hornets and who should get those the US or the UK. Regardless were getting off topic.

With regards to the engines, F-18C Late and Finnish F-18C are identical 100% on DEV Server
Screenshot 2025-03-10 171131
Screenshot 2025-03-10 171051

Figured, it would be surprising if they messed them up again after fixing them in the last dev

the whole gripen drama actually made less sense than the F15E or the others cause both grippens added were basically identical in gameplay anyway it was just a name thing, Swedish player were effectively complaining about a name difference thats it.

The Finnish F-18C has the same thrust.
Both on statcard and in-game.
That screenshot is either old or invented.

Decompression puts the F-18C higher as it’s equal to all 14.0s in the game.

There were differences, and the only reason they ended up similar was because people got annoyed at it.

I posted the image from the old dev and i guess i didn’t explain it well enough. Thats why i posted it since his card showed the stock thrust from the new engine. I was comparing the old thrust on the F-18C (Fin) vs the Late. Wasn’t trying to lead down any bias just showing the old card for comparison.

Statcards aren’t thrust BTW, so without a localhost verification, it’s safe to say only the statcard had incorrect data.

Eh, just showed what i had on hand

The makers nation of the P-16 is Switzerland. It has zero ties to Germany. So why to place it in Germany?
Austria has more ties to Germany, why there is a J35 in the german tech tree?

I can follow the idea, but GJ sometimes isn’t on that line. They have broken the rule in several examples

It’s always amazing the apologetics making new excuses. When the update was first announced, they said that Finland was getting the A variant, which never had ordnance. Now that it’s the C variant, they continue to make excuses that are unfounded.

You are exactly right. When the F-15 first came to Japan, did Japan have to wait six months to get AIM 9Ms and ground ordnance? When the F-15I, did Israel have to wait a year to get AIM 120Bs? When the F-16 came out for Benelux, did they have to wait for the next update to receive AIM 120As? All of that is answered as: NO! They did not.

“But but Grippen” okay, I’ll bite. But but F-15. But but F-16. But but F-14. But but AV-8. America has unarguably the best CAS in game. Low tier, high tier, it does not matter. So how about America can wait for the F-18 to get ordnance until Finland gets ordnance. It seems fair, why should Sweden: the country with the worst CAS in game, have to continue to have no CAS. “But but Grippen” but but nothing. It doesn’t matter that Sweden has the Grippen, which arguably is dreadful at CAS in the first place (in comparison to every other plane at top tier), why should Sweden be designated one jet that can strike ground targets?
America has three F-15s, two or three F-16s, the AV-8, two F-14s, and soon three F-18s to CAS with.
Russia has the Su-27SM, MiG 29SMT, Su-34, Su-25, and the Su-30SM.
Germany has the Eurofighter and Tornado.
UK has the Harrier, Eurofighter, Grippen, and two Tornadoes.
Italy has the Harrier, Eurofighter, and Grippen.
China has the JF-17, J-10, and J-11.
Japan has two F-15s, F-16s, and the Grippen.
France has multiple Mirages and the Rafale.
Israel has three F-15s, three F-16s, and the Kurnass.

So why is Sweden only given ONLY the Grippen?

They fr need to add it :(

Cause Sweden didn’t purchase other aircraft, and the F-18C for Finland needed 14.0 to exist.

Because gaijin chose Finland instead of Norge or Danmark? If either of those had been chosen air would’ve been in a much better position. Finland lacks many of its historical aircraft and it was originally chosen for the F-18 if i had to guess.

It’s always been the C variant coming for Finland ever since it was announced: [Shop] [Development] F/A-18 Hornet: Announcement & Pre-order! - News - War Thunder

Finnish F-18C (Sweden)

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Eh, again most are of the opinion that without HMD this isn’t a 14.0 worthy vehicle. I agree, this vehicle should either match the US model for HMD or be lowered in BR. To say this vehicle is equal to rafale or EFT is a joke of game balance and then being told to wait for an equivalent 14.0 until a future update (not confirmed for next but i may be wrong) is a blatant slap to the face.

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So is MLU 2 planned for next update sometime is 2025?

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I think Sweden tree should get some aircraft that were trailed. Maybe this helps?

Nooooo, thats just gonna piss off the majority of the community