Unfair F-18C Implementation - Why Must the Finnish Hornet Be Inferior?

Again id rather have HMD for defending rather than needing to pull nose on target and screwing up my notch. Its a disadvantage and TWS so far on the F-18 for these types of engagements is not really something i want to rely on imo.

Dying to third party’s is almost only happening in lower tiers ofc if it’s the beginning of the match and for a stupid reason you begin a dogfight ofcourse your gonna get third party I’m talking about dogfights at the end of the game where there are 3 or 4 players left

yeah i can see the usecase for hmd for that kinda playstyle and dont get me wrong i think both f18s should be 13.7 i just dont think the difference between them is all that huge. especially if you have the average aim120 playstyle.

“America doesn’t have the best CAS” yeah, tell that to the bloody orbital strikes from F-16s, or the GPSS bombs that come flying at Mach Jesus from 30km away from F-15Es. Russia has had… what, the Su-22 which was only impressive for a week on Facebook reels and the Su-34 which is good at best, moreso with the backflipping Groms and semi-decent R-73s.
Maybe it’s because I play China, but I never really suffered Su-24s taking me out from Pluto. I’ve only ever seen Eurofighters shooting Brimstones and F-16s and F-15s role-playing Star Wars with how high they can fire their AGMs.

Third party definitely happens at high tier, just depends if your team or the enemy let themselves fly stright into Fox 3’s because they are tunnel visioned.

The F-18 out-performs all but Rafale and Typhoon WVR for airframe performance, just not top speed.

So the two most common airframes… though i need to see the new EFT FM changes since they just nerfed it to 12G turns

If im in WVR of a rafale im probably dead lol MICA turning can be sometimes a pain to notch because the nose keeps changing direction.

I said I’m talking about dogfights at the END of a match because NOBODY is gonna begin a dogfight with the full enemy team left

AirRB is just not “realistic”

Eh idk theres a few times i get into a dogfight but i basically avoid dogfights if possible the problem then becomes im notnfast enough to get away even if i have the lead.

I am grateful of any dogfight in SB. That makes it at least a bit entertaining. In RB you will not find a chance for a proper dogfight, except in BR 4

well theirs your problem you play china so the only cas you face is nato cas.

  1. GPSS Bombs are shit unless you stay in place for a long time and at that point thats on you. (also the US have yet to get dual gpss/laser guided versions that they should have access to (other than the recent f18)
  2. not a single air to ground weapon on the f15E can even go above mach so i dont know what your talking about.
  3. as someone who uses both the f15E and su34 the su34 will net me more kills per spawn pretty much every time with no difficulty and the su30sm is gonna be even better when it comes out.
  4. nato AA is also just worse as well.

So most people will lock enemy planes with their location known in 5-15 km range quicker with TWS than HMD. Even in situations where the enemy is located at the edges of gimbal limit

Well, in Pubs I face Russia quite often. However it’s usually involving being smacked by Ka-50s/52s moreso than being smacked by Grom (which my radar is more than happy to pick up on over the Su-34).

1: I’m aware, but if you get lucky, you can literally bomb people that just spawned in, or SPAAs sitting in spawn to avoid being shot. Or if you’re just a German player, who either pushes the enemy like he’s play a Tiger in a massive down tier, or you’re sitting in one spot the entire game. No in between.
2: it’s called an exaggeration.
3: your personal bias with how many eliminations doesn’t convince my personal bias that I rarely get eliminated by them. By that logic, the Turan III is the best medium tank at 4.0 because I’ve netted more eliminations with that than any other tank. Or that the G6 is the best pre-radar SPAA in game because I get plenty of air eliminations with it.
4: yeah, NATO SPAAs are dreadful. Although the OTOMATIC is always fun in Customs, just hurling proxies at people because funny.

This is very odd that you’ve not ran into Kh38s.

American CAS is oppressive when they manage to get up, but 38s are just as bad, and far easier to utilise.


id love to be in your games cause in what universe are ka 50s/52s the thing your worried about.


Ka-50/52s and Mi-28s are laughably easy to handle with missile AAs compared to Su-34s launching fire-and-forget Kh-38s outside of your realistic range and even if the heli player knows how to play they can’t guide the missile in meanwhile hiding in any kind of smoke (and evading in it) is very inconsistent for the Kh-38

I spend more time locking onto bombs than planes with the Tor, so that’s my excuse

Not to mention that Mavericks are way easier to intercept than the Kh-38s


Both suck 😿.

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