Uneven matckmaking

It is flagrant in uptier abuse. But that’s what they eat, people’s hope that when it’s one level higher they will beat up the rest. But you keep going up and you’re always fish food.

At least at 7.3 you’re at 7.7 80% of the time, the snail doesn’t hide a bit.

With some tanks it gets along well but for example the American BR 5.3 is Tigers and Panthers fodder all the time.

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Because player is in A SQUAD…he himself took that lineup and joined a squad with 5.7 tanks…there is NOTHING to fix…was the player option…

BTW…0.7 uptiers seem ok IMHO, assuming both teams are balanced…

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I understand the squad trolls, it’s people’s fault. If the snail limits this practice, nothing will happen.
In any case you have no arguments to defend the uptier you suffer in this game. It is game after game playing against upper tanks.

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I dont know if there is skill based MM…i always assumed it was random and BR only…if there is something based on “average position on the team” it is news to me…but i guess it is possible…and thinking lightly…it actually seems a good idea…althought, a guy that is always on the top of the losing team is not the same as a guy that is on top of the winning team :)
BUT…some games are even, some are one sided…in GF ARCADE i actually think it works fine…not perfect, but most matches will have some minutes of apparently “even” combat…until eventually one team starts winning. Games that are close to the end are more rare, but this is actually true of most gaming environments i know…

jajaja good joke… how many eagles do you get for saying this? :)

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I wish i did :)
If you want…i can tell you one of the reasons i stopped playing RB was the number of uneven matches was much larger…so i lose the GLs :)

I play mostly arcade around BR7…i really think that up to midmatch it usually feels even…both sides will usually have one CAP and fight for the third and/or and advantage. There is a usual tilting point where one side starts to “win”…i assume it is when it gets numerical superiority or local superiority in the cap zones.
SOME matches are even to the end…but i admit it is not the rule…but those are usually more fun, of course…
AND also some are defined from the start…one team is simply much better…
AGAIN…IMHO, MOST matches are even up to midgame…and this is what i would expect to happen on a game like this. There were some game modes (World War for instance) where games were kept longer by allowing many more spawns…but i think whis was actually BAD for the game…it would turn into a “lemmings” game where two streams of tanks would be constantly running into each other…death/kill, respawn, repeat…

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It is and confirmed by higher-ups, to be BR only with no other factors (of course nation). There is no way to determine “skill” since the parameters are far too wide in such a wide scope game.

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Just finished a ground arcade battle, with BR ~ 4.0.
My team was doing OK for a while, then it all fell off the cliff, and we lost the battle badly.

I checked my team to see what happened and noticed the bottom two players in scoring were a squad. One had 3.7/1.3/1.0 and the other had 1.3/1.3/1.0

Now it kinda sucks that you have a player with only 1 tank in the BR range (3.0 to 4.0) but maybe that person had some backups. Judging by the score it was unlikely, but still possible.

The squadmate though… at 1.3/1.3/1.0. Why is this allowed?
That is a significant handicap to the team. I can’t understand why anyone, regardless of how they enter the battle, is allowed to do so with no vehicles in the BR range.

Going forward I’m checking the stats list and if I see this kind of crap I’m just heading back to the hangar. It’s a bloody waste of time.


You want to see a mismatch? Have a look at this and you’ll see what a joke the “Matchmaker”. Should be called the Mismatchmaker. Take my stats out of my teams effort and look at what the rest of the team did, versus how even the performance of the enemy players was. This happened to me constantly. I come up against teams that perform consistently well and get lumbered with 13 or 14 absolute duds on my team. This, and a few other things Gaijin refuses to address, are the reasons I quit the game. Never been happier with a decision in my life.

How the hell do you have a scenario where 1 player gets 3 times as many kills as the rest of the team combined? For 33 deaths, the other 15 players on my team contributed a total of FOUR tank kills. As I mentioned, this became very common in my games. And I can assure you, my skills are only average at best.


What BR was this battle fought at?
I’ve been in some lower BR battles (~ 2.0-3.0) where a Marshal on the enemy team had 19 kills - more than the rest of his team combined and more than my team combined.

Not saying your situation matched that, but it is possible, under certain circumstances.

But I do agree matchmaker is pretty terrible. Have had many battles (air and ground) last less than 5 minutes. Usually when a squaded team faces an unsquaded one.

This was fought at BR 4.3. I understand that this can happen occasionally, but my issue is that at this BR, which is where I prefer to remain as I don’t like playing higher BRs due to:

a) the maps being too small for high tier
b) CAS being a pain in the butt, and
c) repair costs being pretty high

I was getting this kind of result more often than not. I started a thread about what I suspected to be one of the causes (besides the mismatchmaker) and that being that there are way too many people playing far beyond their skill levels by starting playing WT and buying Premiums to access higher tiers because either they didn’t like the vehicles at low tiers or felt the vehicles at higher tiers were more “cool” or interesting. Consequently they have little idea of what they’re doing and contribute very little (if at all) to the team.

Question abecause I don’t know which planes your team and op team have because if you are the top tier planes 5.0 vs must 3.7 planes then things would be done quickly in AB always.

The player is squaded with someone who has 5.7 in thier lineup…

That’s entirely their choice and thier doing.

This was a ground battle with tanks at or around BR 4.3. Not aircraft.

I understand HOW they are doing it.
I’m asking WHY does Gaijin allow this?

Obviously it’s their choice. But it impacts the team they are playing on, handicapping them with a useless vehicle.

Players should not be able to enter a battle unless they meet some minimum requirements. If they want squad with their friend, the friend can easily send crew to holidays and select tanks of the BR that matches their friend. Doing otherwise is just selfish.

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So you greedy sod took all the kills for yourself? XD

It was “self defence”. :-)


Uptier chance is based on popularity of BRs.
The more popular the BR the higher chance of uptier.
In order to get consistent downtiers, you have to play a rare BR that is within range of an extremely popular BR.

Also, matches are equal. There are equal BR vehicle players on both teams.

I’ve seen matches in Naval where enemy team had 2, sometimes 3 people with higher BRs while our team had none. For example, enemy team had people with 5.7 cruisers while our team highest BR was 5.3. The match maker is a total joke.

No, here’s the thing. When it comes to multi-spawn modes, your team DID have some, however the people with them didn’t spawn them. When it comes to naval, you can have an aircraft that is .3 higher than your ships.

Your team ALWAYS has equal [+/- 1] of players for each BR.
However, in ground and naval, they’re not forced to use their top BR vehicles in their lineup.

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