Unarmed planes suffering from the f14

6x AAMs, on a supersonic platform that can turn quite well. 10.7 is as low as it can go and even then… barely. Fighting something like that is hardly easy in something with no CMs and sub-sonic at 9.7, like the Hunter. I’d start with 11.0 and then see how it does.

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Yeah honestly the XS is really the most screwee over one currently, J35A and J35D aren’t too bad but could be changed. I feel 10.7 would be a little OP for it cause it will see 9.7s like the T-2 but at least it carries AIM-9Js rather than AIM-9Ls so I think 10.7-11.0 makes the most sense

Oooooooorrrrrrr, BR decompression

I don’t care if they raise him in rank, obviously he should raise the rank, genius…

So? Fighting F-14As in the F-20 is too difficult for you, so instead you want to fight F-15Cs and Gripen Cs?

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AIM-54s are too painful to play against so much so that he’s become a masochist and wants to fight AIM-120s instead

I’ll tell you this little one, I’m always in favor of the balance between gameplay, I don’t like playing a broken plane nor do I like playing with a plane that far surpasses other BR planes, you can’t put a plane with active missiles to fight against planes like J35 Or the mig 21 against the f14 because that is being hypocryptic

I prefer, I say, if I used the plane, I don’t think you used it because you wouldn’t be saying the nonsense that you say if you had it, I prefer to fight against top tier planes with the same weapons than to be playing like a rat on the map to avoid being hit. throw a SARH missile while there are maps that are going to lower you because the f20 cannot carry chafs and the tree maps do not favor you either because of the multipath.

If there is no balance there is no fun in this game it is AS BALANCED as you say because there are several posts complaining about F14 That you don’t like the idea of ​​it being uploaded is because you are the minority

“no argument - switching to duel in D-Contest” - Commune kiddo variant

when you will stop going head-on and actually watch for the AIM-54 Launches, maybe you’ll have less trouble, anyway,…

cool, no argue and no duel fro D-contest, then shaming.
really commune

Bring argues next time

The F-20 has the capacity to carry more than 2 Aim-120A but can carry 4 Aim-120A and can be taken to 13.3 or 13.7 if the radar is denerfed since it has a greater range than indicated, apart from that if not. They do it can carry 4 aim-7M in combat configuration

What a feeling it is to have a plane that has better radar than the rest of the planes. Apart from that, it can actively maintain the suppression of any plane that tries to engage in BVR and if you fly low, the F-14 team falls on you, which are probably not even 1 not even 2 if not several 3 to 4 f-14s attacking with 6 active missiles, tell me what logic does it have to have a plane with great capabilities in a br that practically the only one that shoots it is another f-14 or some player with more skill than you

What about we speak of the reality in this game:
Short maps, no opportunities to Lurk around, stupid players with only 1 goal in head to go straight for mid-map (no joke).

I have about 12 years of experience in this game,… the reality is that NO ONE will ever think how to avoid the swarm.

With my experience alone, when i grinded either Mirage F.1C or Mirage 2000C S5, i can assure you that F-14’s are easy kills, but to have that chnace you need to learn things, to know things you didn’t even believed it was possible to do.

From my experience 95% of in-game players are bad to passable players,…
When i end up (from my Lurk) in a match with a 1 vs 5/6 situation and be able to shot down (ALONE) 3 to 4 aircrafts (most of which are F-14’s) then i’m perfectly aware that the problem comes from either the map(not allowing much space) or players themselves(reaching the so called “effiency of Grind” by dieing 20 times an hour, for an amount of maybe 10 to 15 kills)

That’s why i replied some hot-headed guys here, that they need to learn how to play, and how systems works, aswell as inquiring themselves what they have done wrongly since the 1st of playing this game.

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1: I agree with you about the maps, the spy maps are very small and the number of players does not improve the realistic bvr experience on that I can totally agree with you

2: Please understand that I also give shit to the F-14 because the main USA believe that their missiles are everything, the question is that in the gameplay 12.3-11.3 there are planes that cannot compete with an F-14A and less with an F-14B, planes that need height to be able to fight more effectively are forced to fly low or give up ground and position, you are always on the defensive, now I don’t deny that the AIM54 when the F-14 already kills are useless but be careful that does not mean that the radar is better than the rest of the planes and its maneuverability is almost superior to the vast majority of the br planes, mirage f1 has 2 fox 2 with IRCCM that gives it an advantage but I bet you it will never You do BVR and you always fly low so you don’t get killed and it’s simply not fun to fly low, the gameplay of War Thunder should favor whether or not BVR at medium high altitude or make that type of combat possible under different doctrines, something that the game does not simulate (editado)

3: El F-14A y su Spam Masivo jode a muchos aviones que tienen que combatir siempre en una desventaja inclusive el top tier un f-14 puede dar buena pelea la cosa es que si no los como tu dices “Malos jugadores” tendrian que aprender que es la magia de este juego, y ahora con el evento reciente se ve que el f-14 es un avion que no mrece estar en los br actualmente

The “F-20C” never existed. It may have been planned at some point, but it really didn’t exist. What did exist was 4 prototypes, 3 that flew and functioned, and one that was unfinished. The one we have ingame was the last of the 3 variants

(also the one with the famous Aim-120 mockup photo)

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Logically, since it lack both HMS and IRCCM missiles, along with a low countermeasures count, the F-20A would comfortably fit at 13.0 with the addition of 4x Aim-120As and its missing TWS radar mode.

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They cannot carry 4x Aim-7Ms, only 2, exactly how it is ingame. That specific rail can adapt Aim-120s and Aim-9s, but not Aim-7s afaik.

Goodness I’m bout to ping Shin_Kazama… well nah, he’ll find this thread anyway I’m sure :P

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Do you have any documentation of what you say to affirm that or are you just saying it because you don’t like it?


Why don’t you go do some basic research on what rails can be used with which missiles. Shouldn’t take you too long I’m sure, and I ain’t wasting my time when I need to go to bed right now (big day tmrw :D), gnight!
(If you still can’t find it by then, I’ll dive into it I guess…)

That literally changes nothing based on the message you replied to.

Im trying to understand what is exactly being said.

Are you saying that the yak141 struggles vs the f14?