Just noticed that you can wishlist marketplace vehicles, couldn’t this function be used to allow two players to make transactions on third party websites?
You’ll need to have the respective GJN to buy the vehicle for that person, by the way, you can’t buy someone GJN, the same, you can’t gift them Marketplace vehicles, from what I know.
If you own the coupon can it be gifted that way? I hope not, cause RMT would be another layer of shit on top of the botter/cheater/account seller sandwich we are currently dealing with.
You can’t gift coupons, the only thing else of using it to get the vehicles is selling them to the Marketplace. Gaijin has nothing to lose with a third party marketplace outside of War Thunder because the player is by their own risk, it’s not up to Gaijin to help someone that clearly broke their ToS and used a service that they don’t own.
You can only gift vehicles that are in the store.
I havent seen anything about market place stuff. Their support website says that you cant use GJN so Im not sure how you could buy a marlet place vehicle without using GJN.
you can gift them from the market not from your inventory
Guys, someone buy me the Wing Long in my wishlis!!!111!!
I am willing to trade a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090, two used cars, and 1 Bitcoin for it on the black market11!!1!!