Ukraine Ground Forces Tree

Guys… just take it easy!

No need to get combative or argumentative… everyones opinions count… even if you may not agree with it


When the same users try to derail the thread into “we don’t need this tree and I hate it” over and over again, despite the overwhelming support from thread visitors reflected in the poll - that’s clearly un-constructive off-topic

Meanwhile posts with vehicles, like Mi-24 with Hydra armament simply disappear without a trace… (yeah there is no “Ukraine’s Helicopter TT” proposal thread)


i never said we dont need an ukrainian tree, ukrain has plenty intresting developed vehicles like the developed T-84s, i am just saying it shouldnt be implemented in the way and form of including all the donated equipment which people keep suggesting into this thread. The ukraine tree doesnt need leopards, abrams, challegners , CV and the many more vehicles. It can shine with its own unique vehicles, in the future maybe with the KF 51 Panther if they realy end up procuring it once conflicts end


We heard you previous couple of times when you called Ukrainian tree an abomination and baselessly claimed that “no one wants it”. Repeating the same mantra over and over won’t help you change the overwhelming support for the tree.

As for “western donations shouldn’t be included” claim there’s only one argument but it’s enough.
All donated and purchased tanks and other vehicles have been officially adopted by the AFU and are now part of Ukraine’s armed forces and actually battle proven. No amount of forum whining will change the current established Ukraine’s ground forces roster.

We are here to provide maximum amount of related information to the developers and it’s up to them if they want to include something to the final tree or not. It is better to have a wide range of possibilities than to have none.


While I’d love the Ukrainian tree in the game I don’t exactly support the idea of adding all of the recently acquired donated western/russian vics.
Mostly because I think they have plenty of indigenous designs which would make the tree superbly unique and not just another nation with russian/western stuff.
Just an opinion if you will.


u clearly seem to have ignored the whole community complaining about yet anoither merkava, their low tier being c&p same with china being c&p, plenty of people did so , everybody said as well that finnland was lazy c&p


In this proposition i found only 5 vehicles that was donated, one of them is already a domestic modification (Leo2A4 with ERA), and i found 0 vehicles from russia in this TT.

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Do you all understand that adding gifted tanks to the Ukrainian tech tree is not a mandatory requirement here?

might be because the creator isnt active in this thread anymore and isnt updating it, and putting era on everything they get hardly qualifies as real modifications and just would be a lazy reasoning of you guys to still add it

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thats what i am saying the whole time, ukraine has plenty good enough vehicles themself, maybe stuff like the leo 2a4 era could be a premium, but they shouldnt be their main vehicles, donated vehicles should stay out of the tech tree

Maybe, maybe. But anyway, not a single person i know was upset about clones

then you realy dont seem to be active here or reddit, for ground at least C&P is a hated thing, for air there is sadly no other way because we reached the point where only a few actual manufacturers are left:
But specialy ground and tanks has so many unique additions left that could be added where C&P isnt necesary


That’s not very clever idea. Gaijin already put many donated vehicles into main branches

which ones do you specialy mean? you dont mean the east german equipment do you? In general i would devide ww2 /cold war situation over modern top tier stuff

Same T-34’s , ISU-152 , Shermans , Crusaders, Stuart etc

so just what i stated, top tier has different rules for additions we dont see captured vehicles at top high/top tier either, only vis mods if you wanna count that

vismod is fine, that`s just funny thing

Here is a photo of the same Leopard 2A6 during battle, judging by the square white markings on the turret. It’s a different tank. Therefore, it can be argued that adding protection to the turret is widespread.

As for the last suggestion, I believe that Western tanks should be premium or event vehicles. Only those that were supplied to Ukraine in significant quantities (at least 30-40 ) should be included in the main tech tree.


well would be at least a discussable thing, it would mean they get the 2A4, with unqiue ERA, but the tree would not receive strv 122, leopard 2a6, challengers or abrams tanks

M1A1 FEP inside a dug in position, somewhere in Ukraine.