Ukraine Ground Forces Tree

BMPT “Guardian” (T-64B basis, protection of the hull remained on same level)
2 2A42 Autocannons, 4 ATGMs Barrier (800mm pen behind ERA)
Ukraine, 2017.
33 tons, same engine and transmission found on T-64B, 21 hp/t ratio.
I think it would be awesome addition to TT if it was ever implemented, though getting information on it might be tough as it appeared in 2017 to never be shown again (i think)
Turret here was also used on BMP2
Turret module itself.


This works both ways. F5s/f4s in the russian tree. Maybe even f14. This is not good for gameplay

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I’m not against any trophies tbh, it’s only a game. Gameplay issues must be fixed by other means by game designers and vehicle roster available in a nation tree should not affect this. It’s not like trophies were at fault when regular tree BTR-ZD fought against WW2 era, right?

Aside from that, I see many comments on YT from other community about adding captured CV90, AMX-10 (and other unconfirmed trophies) to soviets in case T-90A will be added to USA. That’s also fair.
If those angry players want to pay 65$\8000+GE for captured vehicle and observe Ukrainian flag in stat card and non-switchable historical camos with Cossack crosses and other AFU markings, then we should absolutely let them.


Has no sense tbh, it’s seriously damaged, can’t be repaired in russia, and , they dont know how to operate it and have no ammo for 40-mm Bofors cannon

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I don’t think usa has 125mm ammo either…
Nothing like such additions make sense to the game. If you want to play the abrams grind america, likewise with the t90


why are forum messages disappearing again? Where are the last ~50 posts?

Most of them were offtopic.

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Ukrainian Oto Melara 155mm M109L howitzer with distinct decals (around 50 were provided by Italy in 2022)


Olivia is a Gaijin partner with “leaks” to inspire hype and judge reactions, IMO.
But leaker, sure, and a good track record, no matter how those leaks are obtained

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A Ukrainian Leopard 2A6 of the 47th Mechanized Brigade outfitted with slat armour, rubber screens and a rear facing thermal camera for the driver.


Ukraine Ex-Polish PT-91 Twardy MBTs with extra Era in Service with the 22nd Separate Mechanized Brigade.


Ukrainian AHS Krab self-propelled tracked howitzer with protective net.




Old Ex-Polish Hibernyt anti-aircraft artillery system (ZU-23-2 + Star 266) in Ukrainian service.


Ex-Czech/Polish OT-64 Skot R-2M for the local Ukrainian Territorial Defense Brigade.


If you cannot reply with valid criticism, examples, logic or facts (how do you know what you have claimed?) then don’t reply

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because a tree with literaly everything wouldnt make sense and is game breaking? simple logic , it is valid critiscim, ukraine has many unique modification themself of old russian tanks that they specialy developed, there is no reason to include the donated equipment into the list

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For your original reply, you have not included evidence of your claims regarding the addition and it’s conditions, and now we are going off topic of what you replied to by going into donated vehicles. That has been discussed previously, and if you want to voice your own take on it, there was no need to reply to my message with it


i have no problem with a pure ukraine tree, just leave any donated vehicles out of it, they dont “belong” to ukraine. I dont know what your opinion is on the matter (thread is 625 comments long by now), but fact is that people keep sending in donated equipment as suggestions into this thread, if you are in support of those donated vehicles, convince me why they should be added into this tree

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thats what u get false flaggers, thank staff for restoring