Ukraine Ground Forces Tree

Ok, so what we got in Japan on same BR levels(5.3-12.0) presented here:
3 almost same between them ST tanks (1-3)
Sherman, M36, M47, TIGER IN PREMIUMS(Japan never received one)
2x Type 87 RCV
3x Type 74 MBT’s + 1x STB 1 which is their prototype
3x Type 16 light tanks with not much difference between them
2x Type 90 where i haven’t found ANY difference
2x Type 10 same inside, only minor outside changes + their “prototype” with no armour on the turret sides and shovel on front, also same inside.

What’s left? Some IFV’s , self-propelled antitank guns and SPAA, where i really cant find clones from other nations.

Also i have to mention that i NEVER said something about lack of unique stuff in Japan, in message you replied to i was talking about POPULARITY OF IN-GAME NATION!
Also nobody said that ALL proposed tree has to be implemented.


A mini-game for those who think that Ukrainian vehicles have been copied and have no place in the game. Because there is still a lot of very unique vehicles that need to be added.

READY? GO!!! 🔴🟡🔵

🟢 Round 1

🔵 Round 2

🟣Round 3

🟡Round 4

🟢Round 5

🔴Round 6

It’s just a joke, of course. But it proves my point once again that there will always be some degree of “copying” of tanks. Whether you like it or not…

And Ukrainian tree is not the worst option…


Gaijin copying others doesnt mean Ukrainian ones being copied too is justifiable


Ah yes: “You don’t understand, it’s other”
Classis one-way thing lol.

Just for reference, we already have 5x ZSU 57-2, at least 3x ZSU 23-4, 4x T-72A/M1(Plus TURMS and Moderna, they based on T-72A and M1), 6x T-80’s, 4x T-55A/M, 4x Leopard 2A4, 3x Merkava 4 , 3x Merkava 3, 16x of all Magach tanks. That’s only tanks i remember, if i’ll do a research, there`ll be more.


I’m assuming it’s the .50 cal on the roof?

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I just found out, that Sweden gave Ukraine 10 Strv 122. Will they be added to tech tree? (Source: Война в Украине - Швеция передала Украине десять танков Stridsvagn 122 — УНИАН )

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Currently we don’t have the Strv 122C/D or Barracuda camo in game, but when they eventually get added to the Swedish tree it would end up just being a copy paste vehicle.

Just wait for Kontakt-1 on hull and turret sides ;)

I think it’s better to combine it with Poland tech-tree and other 3 Baltic states because:

  1. If we give all countries a tech-tree, then there may be too many countries in the game. The workload will be huge for both players and developers
  2. If all tanks supplied from western countries are added then what’s the point of playing German/USA/UK tech-tree (I think it’s better to add them as rewards for events)
  3. This tech-tree has disadvantage in IFV/Light tanks/Tank destroyers, but Poland and Baltic states Vehicles can serve as supplements.

Additionally, these countries’ air-force can also serves as supplements to make the tech-tree a whole. Thus, combining these countries in one Eastern Europe tech-tree is withput question.

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Okay, let’s say this happened and we have an Eastern European tree. What flag would you use to mark it? Should it be some major country?

I think if this will be reality, EU flag gonna fit fine


Hell no


I’m personally not a fan of the pan-European idea.


I think more realistic would be TT made out of Poland and Czechoslovakia…Ukraine could be maybe a sub-tt and rest of the nations interesting vehicles could be event/premium/squadron vehicles.

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Pz.Bef.Wg.72 Trophy T-72B3 with some tuning from 14th Mechanized Brigade. Another candidate for premium vehicle.


Ngl, love the tall cope cages on the side (also love that since the outbreak of the war slat armour has now become “cope cages” lol)


Don’t confuse slat armour and cope cages. Every cope cage is a slat armour, but not every slat armour is a cope cage. Or something like that…

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Ukrainian “Kombat” and trophy 9K119M “Invar” anti-tank missiles used by T-64BM2 tank crew from 92nd Assault Brigade


How exactly do they differ? Like in terms of performance

Quote from tank commander who posted this video (original comment in spoiler):

I liked the Kombat more, it’s more efficient and powerful! But Reflex is easier to insert and load!


Мені більше сподобався в роботі Комбат,більш ефективний,потужний! Але рефлекс простіше вкладати і загружати!