Ukraine Ground Forces Tree

It’s great that he could share this with us. Thank you, and thank him too.

1700 votes guys keep it up

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In the other news, dev server now received new nicer stat cards for vehicles, consisting of vehicle 3d render and country flag in the background.

All vehicles in the game have received new and nicer images on their stat cards. Now, they’re all made in the same style — we hope that you’ll like it and that they are easier to see.

And Ukrainian flag is there too according to gszabi99 findings.

That’d actually be really cool, it would be a better way to distinguish the nation when clicking on a certain vehicle too.
For example, like this.

Here is the statcard background


Devs added Ukrainian flag (as little flag on the stat card i suppose) to the dev server judging by this datamine.

So we might be getting somewhere close finally.


Hopefully it’s a sign we are getting an independent tech tree as stated by this thread Ukraine is too big to be a sub-tech tree and we all know the USSR/Russia doesn’t need a sub-tech because that tree is already too big as is plus adding Ukraine to the Russian tech tree would be a massive mistake as A it’s incredibly controversial to do that and B it will make a lot of players mad as a huge chunk of players are pro-Ukrainian and Ukraine itself funny enough has a larger player base than Russia.


As much as I want independent tree, I don’t see it realistically happening in the nearest year or two, not before some other trees like Poland or India got released. Simply because modelling and development takes a lot of time.

As for the flag background, my bet would be for some simple (and ready to implement) additions for allied trees: L2A4 “with Kontakt” (isn’t it Nizh inside those blocks?) or Gepard in AFU camo for Germany, some Bradley variant or trophy T-90A “Maestro” for US, maybe something else along the lines.
Some little additions to test the waters and monetize, for now.

Nobody knows yet. Blocks are same , so impossible to know for sure

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Perhaps a Ukrainian vehicle will be apart of the autumn crafting event which is happening soon. Maybe they’re finally using DanPogans user models.


It could be, but I honestly think it’s about Rank 8 tanks.

They might add something like the T-84 as another Rank 8, to complement something like “T-90M 2020” which has already been datamined to have minor modelling work done (tracks, etc)

But this prediction is never all that fun, because we have no idea.
Watch this be totally wrong.
We’ll come back in a year and laugh about how wrong we were. How it was sooooo obvious!

Could be about BTR-3s, BTR-4s, as USSR finally got their first BTR in game recently, and Gaijin might add Ukraine as a subtree (shortsightedly).
Could be rank 8 tanks.
Could be a crafting event.

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That’s what I can see happening

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I guess the Ukrainian flag was in the game’s files before. Only it could be seen through the SDK. In my opinion, this is not what we are waiting for…

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The statcard flag is new, It was added along with the Children of Arachis statcard flags which I expect them to use next year with the the release of Dune Part Two.



new bradley fieldmod just dropped


The only version of it that was in game before that is the decal version, stat card version is new.

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Interesting collection of emblems of the Ukrainian ground forces. They can be used as decals for ground vehicles.


Ukrainian Leopard 1A5DK with tactical signs and numbers somewhere in Ukraine.


Ukrainian Leopard 1A5 already in camo nets :


Nice tank. But the pysop girl isn’t as good as the other countries’ ones lmao

Japan has unique vehicles, these are just straight copy and paste.

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