Ukraine Ground Forces Tree

Seeing how Gaijin is currently doing subtrees, I’ve created a theoretical tree with post-Soviet Ukrainian equipment, feel free to ignore foreign equipment, it’s there just in case some were wondering what it would look like.


Keep in mind this tree is still being worked on and there is some unfinished BRs. It only includes current vehicles in the tree and most vehicles from Yontzees suggestion + newer ones (some Belarusian) for fun.
This one also includes the mythical T-24


I get your worry but if you look at what Gaijin seems to have planned, many trees will end up bloated later on, you have Gaijin adding the commonwealth nations to Britain, which will probably be much bigger than even the Soviet tree when that happens. Just imagine how Britain will look with India added.

Still, I am more inclined to believe that trophy equipment should not be added. Also, Western equipment that has not been modified or changed by Ukrainians should not be added.

BMP-1MS or BMP-M1S. An excellent alternative with an uninhabited tower to BMP-2M.

More photos here

Original photos are here: Google Drive

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It’s a pity that this engine was first added as part of MBT-2000, but better than nothing, I guess. At least it should be a decent tank.


The proposed tree includes a BTR-4 “Bucephalus” with a PARUS turret. Interestingly, this BTR-4 was also fitted with other turrets. For example, the BAU 23×2 turret. BTR with it can be a premium addition or in the main tree.

BTR-4 "Bucephalus" BAU 23×2

More about the tower


It is definitely not my problem you do not understand, or , god forbid, you would like the game to look diferent and focus on diferent things. I said in my forst post, that it is not good idea to add another tree, just becouse of reason i have mentioned. Minor bugs are still bugs, and if they are not repaired even after decade, it is just BS I can not overlook ,like you do. pray for your Ukrainian tree, i do not care, but I will never suport it to be added into the game. BTW: the question about the time was irony, but you focused only on your argumentation to prove you are right and did not realize that.
And Russian bias? That is reality not a fiction, it is not my problem you can not see it. Wait maybe now Mig 29 SMT with R27ER and R73 against F16C bloc50, 14 years older plane with weapons it doesnt even carried. But No there is definitely no Russian bias at all. Just let British play their Tornados and Harries, and let us give Russian some new stuff, why not SU 35, why do they even bother with some SMT. I get your point, you are hyped about current conflict and want to have something from it in the game , the game,. The game first of all needs to be repaired, gajin is doing something now but that is nothing, there is much more to do.
But as I said I do not care, I do not support your idea of separate tree, I support only adding some of those vehicles into existing tree or as BP, or event vehicles.
God forbid I want the game to work better, to compete with players arround same level, to not collect one lose after another, and be raped by 7 enemies 10 times in a row just becouse of 1 dead/leave players, that I want maps which suit modern vehicles so I do not have to play Abrams in Stalingrad tractor factory. I am sorry I see problem and way how to improve the game and game experience in diferent things than adding another pack of mostly copy/paste vehicles.

BTW: They may add them to Israeli tree, I mean your 5 Ukrainian vehicles, and those 3 Czechoslovakian into Italy.


I’m sorry, but I don’t understand how the amount of content in the game is related to the fact that they don’t want to fix the game. There are working mechanics and there is content. If you think that by abandoning the new tree, developers will focus more on the problems that you think are critical, then you probably don’t quite understand the essence of online games.


I dont know if you got corrected there but T-80 series of tanks are not Ukrainian. T-80UD can be considered such but only real change between T-80U and T-80UD is simply the engine. In prototype stages (first prototypes) they (future T-80tanks) were simply T-64s with gas turbine engines. But that was considered too bad of a vehicle so they (Leningrad plant and design bureauo) changed supsension and engine deck to be able to carry additional weight. T-54 can also be considered Ukrainian but IMO if the tank was made on plant which is on the Ukrainian ground that doesn’t change the fact it was initally requested and supported by soviet command. Same with calling soviet tanks russian.

IMO Ukrainian vehicles should get added as sub tree to USSR was the history fact and the fact all vehicles Ukraine produced are based of soviet counterparts. Same way Russia is introduced into it today.

USSR generally should get more (post soviet) vehicles that werent exactly Russian.


They helped manufacture the vehicles, that’s why I added it, the list of vehicles I mentioned would probably be much larger if I were more specific on that, my bad.

Dont be sorry by any means. USSR had quite bad inside arms race between their tank plants but they did also work together. Still the tank plants competition and soviet leaders own biases left mark onto every post soviet design there is.

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The phrase “the Soviet Union should get more post-Soviet vehicles” sounds rather strange…


Some of the later Ukrainian export T-80UDs (Obj. 478BE) had a new welded turret installed, similar in principle to the one on the T-90A.


T-80U themselves had new turrets. Plus I think this should be considered different version as this is single (as i am aware of) built variant. Produced T80UD remained with T-80U turret.

Not so much, especially with the current direction the game is going in.

That itself would be interesting addition to the game if the base T-80U didnt have new turret.

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The cast T-80U turrets are not the same as these welded turrets. And this is not some 1 off prototype, it was the second batch of T-80UDs sent to the Pakistani Army (1st Batch - 478B, 2nd Batch 478BE/478BE-1)

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Alright but I was saying that as in the game sense. I dont think they would be that much different vehicles.
And I know this isnt same T-80U turret, never said it was the same.

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In gameplay terms I agree that it wont add much capability over the standard T-80UD if we even get it, but it is nice to have different variants of the vehicle. I could also advocate for the T-80UD with Kontakt-1 but that’s another thing.

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If looking at Ukrainian tree as its own nation and not USSR sub tree I think the vehicle you have shown should be added instead base T-80UD (for being unique). Also version with Kontakt 1 would just be downgrade that you cant really put lower BR for the reason of it becoming unbalanced (IMO)

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