Ukraine Ground Forces Tree

100% in favor of Ukrainian vehicles being added but we don’t need another “Israel” situation with the tree starting at rank 4. I’d rather see the actually unique Ukrainian vehicles added to an Eastern European tree like what was leaked almost a month ago. Since politics does affect the game i think a multi national tree would be the best case scenario and it cuts out the unnecessary fat that comes with adding Soviet vehicles because a lot of countries developed unique modifications for their equipment and it would allow for the tree to possibly start at rank 1

Eastern European tree just kills off potential for other trees that could have their own -1


There is no one nation left that could have a full TT that isn’t copy and paste for half of its progression. Poland for example did have its own Tank force and Airforce when WW2 started and after the USSR fell but their rank 1-5 would be full with copies of British, American, and Soviet vehicles already ingame. If you do an Eastern European tree you have more diversity and the tree would actually be eye-catching instead of being known as “China 2.0” or “Israel 2.0”. The air tree might be a little copy and paste but you’ll still have unique aircraft that people would want like the L-39 from the Czech Republic.

Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia can both have their own, no need to add them to a tech tree dumping ground.

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The problem with the Czechoslovakian tree at least from this suggestion (1st picture), they lack top tier MBTs and a decent chunk of their rank 2-5 relies on weak versions of more modern vehicles or just straight up copies of things we already have

The Yugoslav tree isn’t much better off in my opinion, from the suggestion I found posted last year (2nd picture) they also use a lot of vehicles already ingame at the lower tiers

The reason I want the EE tree is that you could combine both of these PLUS other vehicles that could give you line ups that could rival the Russian tree when it comes to the sheer amount of spawns while also plugging gaps that don’t absolutely need to be filled with Tanks people have been playing for the better part of 11 years now, versatility is what makes tech trees interesting.

This version of the proposal is ofcourse quite outdated, as it has been updated multiple times since its release. Czechoslovakia will have Leopard 2A8 as its toptier MBT (quite possibly produced under license), aswell as whatever Slovakia may choose in the near future

What exactly do you consider ,more modern vehicle" I mean, sure, there are some post-war vehicles, but its not like there is some crazy number of late cold-war vehicles. OT-62 is basically modified version of the BTR-50 based on 1949 PT-76. OT-64 was preety modern for its time, but its still from early 60s. MR-2 Viktor is indeed preety modern (entered service last year or so), but its a damn pickup with dual KPVT machineguns, whose development started during WW2. Same with Tatra 815 KS-19 - truck from 1980s armed with 1948 cannon, and Tatra 815 SOT - Again a 1980s truck armed with WW2 DsHK, mid-cold war grenade launcher and machinegun. I could maybe see a problem with some rank V MRAPs, but those can easily be left out of the tree if it was to be added.

Every single tree we have in the game has copy-paste vehicles. Czechoslovakia would be no exeption, BUT, there would be very little actual copy-pastas. The ground tree itself can actually work without any unmodified (copy-paste) foreign vehicles, as long as we put some paper designs in there (i created such a suggestion too after all :) Czechoslovak ground tree - #153 by TADAMAT)


Leopard 2A4s with Kontakt-1 ERA


oh ok thanks for sending that, this version I can 100% support being a separate TT, don’t know how filled out the Air TT would be

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Air tree would be worse, both when it comes to uniqueness and number of vehicles, but there would still be a lot of low-tier unique planes, aswell as some preety interesting cold war/modern warplanes (Czechoslovakia was a leader exporter of trainer jet aircraft after all, and made some light combat aircraft too), and the tree wouldnt be any smaller than other minor nations we have in the game.
Extended version of my proposal shows the potential of the tree the best i think (there are even some paper planes, aswell as future aircraft that are nowhere near to being added into the game currently (F-16V Viper, F-35A): Czechoslovak air tree - #40 by TADAMAT

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yeah F-16V would have Aim-9X and Aim-120B or C so thats gonna have to wait at least another year. F-35 is one of the few aircraft I have absolutely no problem with being in almost every tree because only 3 nations ingame have their own 5th gen designs so it would be necessary due to balance reasons.

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nope, thanks, i dont want see USSR copy paste nation, with worse vehicles.
and as georgian, i dont want to see Georgia in this tree. Only USSR. Georgia uses USSR vehicles, with USSR i can build Georgian lineup.
there is no reason to add Ukraine in war thunder as independent, especially Geogia in it.
this post is more dream to have independent nation in War Thunder without USSR and Ru flag. And i doubt that Ukraine had T34, T44, IS2/3, T10 in service. pure politics.


I stopped arguing with the usual visitors from RU forum, who “suddenly discovered this thread about independent Ukrainian TT and felt the irresistible urge to tell us how they really don’t want it”. It surprises no one here.

But from that quote it’s also obvious that you based your evaluations on the heavily outdated tree image from first post, so I’m making an exception. That image is outdated, WIP tree proposal already got rid of “T34, T44, IS2/3, T10” since Ukrainian TT proposal now has more than 70 unique vehicles not present anywhere else in the game.

Just for the reference this was a WIP from January, that has probably already significantly changed since then, with new developments:


Hi, please remember to keep the discussion on-topic, and to not insult / put down other members. Please take personal matters / quarrels to PMs, thanks.


Rare T-80UK in Ukranian service


Amx 10RC in ukraine



BMP-64 my also beloved.


Ukrainian Grad launcher on a HMMWV M1152 base


Hopefully ukraine as russian subtree in 2025


Soviet* and maybe, it would be nice to have more of the post Soviet modifications.

